Institute for Aerospace Technology

Aerospace Materials and Structures

Out of autoclave (OOA) manufacturing technologyOut of autoclave (OOA) manufacturing technology for materials
Bespoke Multiaxial Cruciform Test FrameBespoke multiaxial cruciform test frame



The Materials and Structures thematic group is interested in new materials & materials discovery. It has a diverse range of expertise in material modelling, structural dynamics and materials science & characterisation. The interests of the group also span supply chain mapping and management.

  • THERMACH - A thermally assisted machining process to addresses the significant manufacturing challenges and products using advanced Metal Matrix Composites and other difficult-to-cut materials.
  • PRoGrESS - An Innovate UK collaboration to create Britain’s first wind turbine blade recycling pilot plant.


Specific areas of expertise within Materials & Structures
Composites Advanced Manufacturing Material Characterisation Modelling Structures Supply Chain
Composite materials manufacturing Laser materials processing Mechanical experimentation FEA (finite element analysis) Structural dynamics Product traceability systems
Materials discovery Machining Elemental composition Error estimation Aeroelasticity Blockchain technologies
Sustainability Coatings Mechanical testing Process modelling Stress analysis Mapping and management
Cementitious materials AI (Artificial Intelligence) Component testing Machine learning Corrosion Digital transformation



Over 50 academics and researchers work within and across this diverse range of research themes to deliver novel, cross-disciplinary, integrated research projects to both industry and research funders.


Research Facilities

Research facilities to which we can provide access
Structures Lab - Large scale structural testing, cutting/coring, temp/humidity XRD, Raman, thermal spray equipment, steam rig, furnace 2kW multimode fibre laser; 1kW single mode fibre laser
Machine tools and SEM related characterisation equipment Mechanical test frames. Denison dead weight creep testing, high temperature AMB Composites manufacturing lab, Automated fibre deposition equipment


Track Record

Our specialist aerospace and space teams at UoN work in partnership with a range of major aerospace companies and SMEs. We also have an extensive track record in securing key UK and EU funding from Horizon Europe (and its predecessor programmes), Innovate UK, ATI, EPSRC and others.

A collection of logos from which the university has secured funding or partnerships from. The funders include EU and UK bodies.


Institute for Aerospace Technology

Aerospace Technology Centre
Innovation Park
Triumph Road
Nottingham, NG7 2TU

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