Institute for Aerospace Technology

Aerospace Operations

A woman looking at a departures and arrivals board at an airportThe departures board at an airport
A close-up of an aeroplane cockpit, with the pilot having their hand on one of the controls.The controls within an aircraft's cockpit



The Aerospace Operations thematic group contains a diverse range of academics looking at operations and applied logistics, mathematical modelling, AI and machine learning. Key examples include:

  • Human Integration with Navigable Taxiway Sequencing (HINTS– HINTS investigates the role of optimization-based decision support technology in ATCO decision making and performance.
  • Personalised Airport Systems for Seamless Mobility and Experience (PASSME) – PASSME's principal objective is to reduce door-to-door air travel time by 1 hour.


Specific areas of expertise within Aerospace Operations
Operations and Applied Logistics Optimisation and Mathematical Modelling Algorithm Design and Engineering Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Specialised Computational Techniques 
Airport Operations Heuristic and Exact Optimisation Algorithm Design AI (Artificial Intelligence) Combinatorial Optimisation
Logistics Maths/Computer Modelling of Real-World Problems Algorithm Engineering Machine Learning Robotics
  Operational Research     Mixed Reality



Over 50 academics and researchers work within and across this diverse range of research themes to deliver novel, cross-disciplinary, integrated research projects to both industry and research funders.


Research Facilities

Research facilities to which we can provide access
Robotics Intelligent Systems Mixed Reality
Humanoid Robotics Haptic Technology  


Track Record

Our specialist aerospace teams at UoN work in partnership with a range of major aerospace companies and SMEs. We also have an extensive track record in securing key UK and EU funding from Horizon Europe (and its predecessor programmes), Innovate UK, ATI, EPSRC and others.

A collection of logos from which the university has secured funding or partnerships from. The funders include EU and UK bodies.


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Institute for Aerospace Technology

Aerospace Technology Centre
Innovation Park
Triumph Road
Nottingham, NG7 2TU

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