Careers and Employability Service
Services for employers

Vacancy advertising policy

Staff member writing notes in an office

We offer a free advertising service for graduate opportunities and internships through MyCareer, our online jobs portal.

These guidelines are designed to help you recruit our talented students and graduates by advertising roles that are relevant to them.

The opportunities on MyCareer are intended to be accessed only by University of Nottingham students and graduates, although we cannot absolutely guarantee this.

Get in touch

Our Recruiter Services team is ready to answer your questions.

+44 (0)115 82 32233

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Vacancies we advertise

We invite employers to submit vacancies in accordance with the guidelines listed below. Adverts submitted will be only be published if they fall into the following categories:

  • Graduate vacancies with an immediate or future start date
  • Graduate recruitment schemes available throughout the year
  • Internships and placements opportunities
  • Work Experience opportunities linked to a student's course
  • Voluntary work with a registered charitable organisation

Vacancy advert guidelines

All details on the vacancy advert must be true to the best of the employer’s knowledge.

We reserve the right to advertise only roles that meet criteria of relevance to our students and graduates. If necessary, we will make minor amendments to job adverts in line with our communication guidelines.

We encourage employers to place their vacancies on My Career with a realistic lead time before the deadline to allow us time to publish them, and to give students time to engage with them. We cannot guarantee levels of student engagement with vacancies. 

Opportunities must be written in English to ensure they are accessible to, and allow us to judge their relevance to, our students and graduates.

Please do read our guidance on writing an effective job advert on MyCareer.

Vacancies we are unable to advertise

Please note we are unable to advertise any vacancies that, to our knowledge:

  • discriminate on the basis of race, gender, disability, socio-economic status, age or sexual preference
  • are not of higher education calibre
  • have misleading, incomplete or inaccurate job descriptions
  • promote or endorse illegal activity
  • promote pyramid selling or related financial schemes
  • promote services to our students and graduates at a cost where the university already offers the equivalent service free of charge
  • do not pay the legal National Minimum Wage, unless they are volunteering opportunities with registered charities. We recommend that employers pay a salary that reflects the level of work our students or graduates will be undertaking.
  • represent an undue health or safety risk to the student
  • involve students in writing academic essays or personal statements for use by other students
  • do not include an address, phone number or business email address
  • request a photograph for the recruitment process
  • are self-employment opportunities
  • are commission-only roles
  • are based in a private household* 
  • require a student to pay an upfront fee
  • require a student to do an unpaid trial period
  • are connected to the adult/sex industry or associated with adult content
  • are high interest loan companies
  • are courses that the University of Nottingham already offers
  • are companies that produce nicotine or tobacco based products due to the cancer research carried out by the University of Nottingham.
  • risk reputational damage to the University of Nottingham 

*this does not include remote or online internships or graduate roles where the employee is required to work from home

Any vacancy advertisements including statements such as ‘must be able to gain or have permission to work in the UK’ will be amended to read ‘the successful candidate must, by the start of their employment, have permission to work in the UK’. The University has further advice on recruiting non-UK candidates provided by Experts at Paragon Law and UKCISA.

The University of Nottingham's UK policy on paid/unpaid internships.

Adverts from organisations that are debtors to the Careers and Employability Service, including the Unitemps team, will not be published until that debt is cleared.

Adverts will not be accepted from organisations who communicate with the university in what we deem to be an unprofessional and inappropriate manner.

Graduate or internship opportunities offered in countries outside the UK must comply with the country’s relevant employment legislation.

Health and safety policy requirements

By placing a graduate or internship opportunity at the University of Nottingham, you are agreeing that you have up-to-date and valid:

  • health and safety policies
  • employer liability insurance
  • public liability insurance
  • equal opportunities policy

Recruitment agencies and intermediaries

Please be aware of the following guidelines which apply to recruitment agencies.

  • The client company’s names must be included in the job advert or made known to the Recruiter Services Team
  • We will not post adverts asking our students or graduates to register with a recruitment intermediary, where the client name has been withheld
  • Recruitment firms acting on behalf of a client should register a profile in their client’s name and add the vacancy to that profile
  • If the company is promoting the opportunity with us directly, we will not advertise the agencies role.
  • If more than one recruitment intermediary submits the same vacancies, these will be posted on a first-come-first-served basis

Any graduate or internship opportunities with the recruitment intermediary itself will be treated in line with our vacancy handling policy

Overseas internship providers

Given the large number of providers offering international experiences, we will quality check opportunities to ensure appropriate health, safety and wellbeing procedures are in place.

Where employers and organisations arrange opportunities taking place outside the UK, please contact Recruiter Service team for information.

Updated in June 2024 and approved by the Careers and Employability Service Leadership Team

Careers and Employability Service

University of Nottingham
Portland Building, Level D
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 82 32233
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3679