
See our portfolio of images and videos that demonstrate the various activities that have taken place in the studio.

Image portfolio


Project videos

Immersive circus experience

Contemporary circus company, Lumo Company collaborated with the Virtual & Immersive Production Studio at University of Nottingham as part of a residency in the VIP Studio. The project experimented with digital and immersive technologies to create an immersive circus experience.

Motion capture with GLOW3 and King's Digital Lab

A collaboration with the GLoW3 artists and King's Digital Lab, based at King's College London. The GLoW 3 project explores the role of AI and immersive realties in art and used our motion capture facilities.

LEADD:NG legacy video

Three case studies that occurred during the European Regional Development Fund project, LEADD:NG at University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University. Supported by the Virtual & Immersive Production Studio, the three case studies are focused around digital and immersive technologies and the projects that unfolded as a result of the support they received from the LEADD:NG project.


Get in touch

For all enquiries, please get in touch with our friendly team.  Email: