Research in the School of Computer Science
Research in the School of Computer Science is loosely structured around 8 research groups:
Cyber-physical Health and Assistive Robotics Technologies (CHART)
Computational Optimisation and Learning Lab (COL)
Computer Vision Laboratory (CVL)
Cyber Security (CybSec)
Functional Programming Lab (FPL)
Mixed Reality Laboratory (MRL)
Responsible Digital Futures
Each enjoys a high degree of autonomy, as a result of the School’s devolved funding model, as well as a rich set of interactions and collaborations across both the School and the wider University.
The School has strong record of multi and interdisciplinary research and we welcome applications from candidates that bridge between the requirements of the post and complimentary disciplinary perspectives for example, law, design, psychology, economics, social sciences, arts and humanities.
Wider research activity
Inter- and multidisciplinary research is particularly valued at Nottingham, and the School hosts a wide range of projects, using an equally varied set of research methods.
Our research topics span the discipline, from unified reasoning about program correctness and efficiency, to automatic detection of depression, ADHD, and ASD, to building accountability into the Internet of Things. The School has strong links across the Faculties of Science and Engineering, and beyond.
We are an active partner in several of the University’s recently-formed Beacons of Excellence, most notably Smart Products and Future Food. At the heart of these activities is a shared ethos of 'computing in the world', in which fundamental advances in computer science are connected to knowledge and methods from other disciplines to enable deep collaborations with research users in diverse sectors.
Strong support for early career researchers is a feature of the School, and we actively engage with and support applications to the Nottingham Research and Anne McLaren Fellowship programmes. An annual PhD recruitment process centres on attracting the strongest students possible to develop our research groups, and all staff benefit from an experienced Research Support and Admin Team.
Computer Science at Nottingham provides a rich set of opportunities and support for all its staff, whether they wish to focus on particular research group topics or to explore more widely. REF 2021 saw the School’s Research Environment classed as 100% ‘world leading’ and ranked #1 in the UK, with 97% of its research outputs considered ‘world leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’ and the percentage awarded the highest 4* rating almost doubling since the previous (2014) exercise. Indeed, all of the School’s assessment scores increased over REF2014 values. Overall, the School of Computer Science was ranked 17th in the UK on output Grade Point Average and 19th on Research Power. The School maintains a position in the upper quartile of the UoA and is firmly established as a national and international centre for excellence in Computer Science research.
Research in the School of Computer Science