Wednesday 11-Thursday 12 April 2018
9am - 5pm (both days)
School of Humanities Building, University Park Campus
£20 for academics; free for postgraduate students and speakers
The Medieval Heresy and Dissent Research Network at University of Nottingham presents Heretical Self-Defence, an international conference.
The study of western medieval heresy is a hugely popular subject. ‘Heretical Self Defence’ asks how, and how well, did heretics and people rightly or wrongly associated with heresy, defend themselves from persecution? What determined this in the case of different movements? How did this change across our period?
The conference aims to highlight the following categories of resistance in particular: Text, Law, Subterfuge, Flight and Arms.
Email for more information
The University of NottinghamUniversity ParkNottinghamNG7 2RD
telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151