Nottingham DNP MAS NMR Facility

Walter Köckenberger Group, School of Physics and Astronomy  

Walter Köckenberger’s main research interest is the complex physics of DNP NMR and its use in novel applications. Realising at an early stage the huge potential that DNP has for NMR spectroscopy and imaging he applied successfully to the EPSRC to design and construct his own DNP NMR based on a unique dual iso-centre magnet that makes it possible to rapidly shuttle the sample between a cryogenic and ambient temperature environment. He is currently PI of a EPSRC Novel Technology Project which aims to combine laser melting with DNP to generate rapid temperature jumps. He was PI of an EPSRC funded DNP theory project in which significant progress was made in the development of the mathematical formalism to describe the spin dynamics of DNP in large spin networks consisting of many coupled spins for both static and rotating samples in the solid state. WK also combined DNP NMR spectroscopy and fast signal acquisition using multiple receivers in a recent BBSRC funded project to detect ligand-protein binding. He is a member of the steering committee of the recently funded Integrated Magnetic Resonance CDT that brings together the world- class expertise of magnetic resonance groups at five UK universities in a consortium to provide a novel postgraduate training program in magnetic resonance.

DNP related grants:

  • EP/C534786 Instrument Development Project: Dual Centre Magnet Spectrometer for Dissolution DNP
  • EP/I036702 Novel Technology Project: Laser induced rapid melting for Dissolution DNP
  • EP/I027254 Optimisation of cryogenic DNP
  • BB/F004885 Dissolution DNP and ultrafast spectroscopy


Jeremy Titman Group, School of Chemistry

Dr. Jeremy Titman's research involves the design and implementation of new solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments. Our current work includes the development of new soldis-state NMR correlation experiments and new methods for measuring solid-state NMR parameters, such as the chemical shift anisotropy. Ongoing applications of solid-state NMR include investigations of nanocomposite materials, lithium superionic conductors, metal organic frameworks and block copolymer.

More details about his research can be found here.


Boyan Bonev Group, School of Life Sciences

The focus of research is on investigations of the molecular mechanisms, which underpin the recognition and disruption of plasma membranes by protein and peptide antibiotics and toxins. The design of effective and safe biologically active compounds relies on knowledge of the atomic details form such protein-target or peptide-target interactions. A range of biophysical techniques including modern solid state NMR, electron microscopy and neutron reflectivity is used to investigate protein-lipid, protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions, as well as the structure of peptides in their bioactive form on the target membranes.I am particularly interested in the recognition of membrane-associated bacterial cell wall intermediates by antibiotics, which inhibit bacterial cell wall biosynthesis. One such example is the interaction between bacterial lantibiotic nisin from Lactococcus lactis and its target, membrane-associated Lipid II (also targeted by vancomycin).

More details of his research can be found here


Nottingham DNP MAS NMR Facility

Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance Centre
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 9514747
fax: +44 (0) 115 9515166