School of Education

PCE-CfD Events

Please see our list of PCE-CfD events below. All registrations will be taken using an MS Form and you can register for multiple events at the same time.

Event form - register event attendance

Community meetings 

PCE-CfD delegates are invited to attend the University of Nottingham's PCE community meetings. The community includes students, alumni and tutors from the PCE-CfD, MA Person-Centred Experiential Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice and MA Trauma Informed Practice courses.

This is an opportunity to encounter each other and co-create authentic relationships as part of the Centre for Research for Human Flourishing community.

These sessions run from 9.30am to 12.30pm and take place on campus.

Dates and registering

Next event to be arranged

Please use the event form to register attendance.

In such a group, the individual comes to know himself and each of the others more completely than is possible in the usual social or working relationships.
Rogers, C. (1969), Encounter Groups, p16

The Twilight Skills 

These sessions will help you develop and maintain your PCE adherent practice, whether you are still submitting or have completed the qualification already.

They take place online from 4-6.30pm.


Dates and registering

  • Wednesday 3 July 2024

Pre-registration is essential so a joining link can be sent to you. Please use the event form to register attendance.


Refresher days 

These days are for those who have already completed the five-day taught element of PCE-CfD training with the University of Nottingham.

They are free to attend.

Refresher days will take place on Jubilee Campus
10am to 4pm.

Dates and registering

Next event to be arranged

Numbers are limited so registration is essential. Please use the event form to register attendance.



School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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