Initial Teacher Education

Teacher Training Open Events

Black background with green apple with a keyhole and key unlocking it. Text says 'Shape their future and yours'

Have you considered a career in teaching?

We hold monthly events from October through to July to give you the opportunity to find out more about starting your teaching career with the University of Nottingham, and our Ofsted-rated 'outstanding' PGCE courses.  We also attend other recruitment events, such as those organised by the university's careers team or the government's Get into Teaching events. Details of where you can talk with us are listed below.

Online Teacher Training Information Session 

Thursday 17 April, 5 to 6.30pm
Online via MS Teams

Join our online session to find out how to take the next step towards your new career.

If you are considering a career in teaching, then join us to find out more about our Ofsted-rated 'outstanding' Initial Teacher Education (ITE) courses.

You’ll have the opportunity to hear from Helen Bowhay, Director of ITE.

Our event will give you the opportunity to:

  • receive advice on the application process, entry requirements and bursaries
  • ask any questions you might have around teacher training or the support we can offer as you start your journey to becoming a teacher

This is a free event and registration is required. The event will be held online and will utilise Microsoft Teams. Further details and joining instructions will be provided to all those registered on the day of the event.

Register attendance

Don't worry if you can't make this event, we will be holding monthly events through until July. Our next online information session is on Tuesday 13 May (5-6.30pm). Registration for this event is also open now.


Mathematics and Education Secondary Teacher Degree Apprenticeship
On demand webinars

New for 2025, our Mathematics and Education Secondary Teacher Degree Apprenticeship, offers a pioneering route for education providers to develop secondary maths teachers within their school or trust. 

Removing the need for a candidate to hold a degree prior to joining, the new teacher degree apprenticeship allows schools to greatly increase their talent pool, and offers a new career path for aspiring teachers, enabling them to gain experience working in a school from the outset. The programme enables apprentices to develop a deep understanding of mathematics alongside the specialist skills, knowledge and behaviours required to be an engaging maths teacher. For further information, please select the appropriate webinar.

Schools webinar
This webinar is designed for senior leaders, line managers and workforce development professionals in schools and trusts who would like to learn more about developing staff via the new Mathematics and Education Secondary Teacher Degree Apprenticeship. 

Apprentice's webinar

This webinar is designed for potential apprentices who would like to learn more about undertaking the new Mathematics and Education Secondary Teacher Degree Apprenticeship.


Privacy notice

When registering for our teacher training events, we will ask you some questions about the routes/subjects you are interested in. The information collected is for use of the University of Nottingham only and will not be passed on. Please read our privacy information for more details.


Travelling to campus

Directions and campus map



School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

Contact us