Initial Teacher Education
Secondary PGCE

Secondary PGCE 


At the University of Nottingham we will support you to bring your passion for your subject to life in the classroom. We will help you develop a deep understanding of what it means to be an effective teacher of your subject so that you can make a difference to the diverse communities you will be joining.

Your intellectual curiosity will be nurtured through engagement with research and theories of learning, enabling the development of your own professional identity that will serve to sustain your long and successful career in the teaching profession. You will join a diverse and vibrant learning community working together to create sustainable and socially just societies.



Teacher training events

We hold monthly events from October through to July to give you the opportunity to find out more about starting your teaching career with the University of Nottingham.

Online teacher training information session, Thursday 17 April, 5 to 6.30pm


Entry requirements

  • UK undergraduate degree/equivalent – in all cases we will be looking at the relevance of your degree alongside other qualifications in your proposed teaching subject
  • GCSE/equivalent – English (language or literature) and mathematics, 4 (C) or above
    View information on GCSE equivalencies
  • Satisfactory medical report
  • Enhanced Disclosure from Disclosure and Barring Service

Course length

This is a full-time course starting on Wednesday 27 August 2025 and finishing on Friday 3 July 2026.


Placements - school-based learning

We have a very strong, collaborative partnership with the schools we work with. University tutors, school mentors and coordinators work closely with you, and each other, throughout the year to support and challenge you to develop into the best teacher you can be.

We firmly believe that learning to become a great teacher isn’t about doing as many lessons as you can as quickly as possible. It is about gradually building up your experiences and working with experienced teachers in lots of different ways. Your school-based learning will include:

  • a carefully structured programme to support your progress each term
  • a gradual build-up of teaching
  • observations across all key stages with expert teachers
  • weekly mentor meetings to discuss your progress and agree targets for development
  • involvement in all aspects of school life, for example helping with clubs, school trips, joining staff meetings, break-time duty

Throughout your time in school you will undertake a wide range of professional development activities to develop your understanding of teaching and learning and the complex role of a teacher. Although placements are intensive and demanding, we carefully structure your progression, with a gradual build-up of teaching commitments, so you are well prepared to teach in different contexts. During your time on placement you will become part of your school's community and work professionally as a member of a team.

As part of your second placement, you will undertake a small-scale research project where, with the support of your tutor, you will formulate and develop a research project on an area of interest. You will also experience immersive practice days in different partnership schools to further support your ongoing professional development. In addition to this, you will have the opportunity to have a week placement in an alternative educational setting.

We can appreciate that you will be keen to know the location of your school placement as soon as possible, this is only natural. Experience has shown us that it is important to carefully consider a range of factors, such as: access to transport, caring responsibilities and previous experience to name but a few, when making placement decisions. For these reasons, we don’t allow applicants to express an interest in a particular school. Similarly, offer holders are not able to request or make arrangements for their own placement in a particular school.  Instead, we work with you from the moment you have an offer to understand your personal circumstances factoring these into our placement decisions to ensure we do all we can to support you to be successful.


University-based learning

Your school placements will be supported by university-based teaching days and immersive practice days, as well as periods of independent study.  

You will actively work with tutors and peers, constantly exploring teaching and learning. You will engage with theory and research to make you a better teacher. Your university experience will include:

  • working with groups of beginning teachers for your subject and other subjects
  • modelling of teacher approaches you can use in your classroom
  • exploring research and practice
  • keynote inputs from experts, for example staff that specialise in cognitive science
  • peer teaching and learning
  • exploring and practising all elements of being a teacher in a 'safe' space



Learning and Teaching in School

This 30-credit module explores teaching and learning in subject disciplines and more generally. An extensive programme of lectures and seminars will enable you to develop a practical knowledge of teaching informed by a critical understanding of theories of teaching and learning. The module is assessed through written assignments, presentations and related classroom-based work.


Schools and Society

This 30-credit module considers various aspects of teachers' wider professional roles as well as social, cultural and legal aspects of schooling. Most of the teaching takes place in cross-subject seminar groups. You will complete an inquiry project situated within school and society and your subject specialism, and submit two written assignments as assessment for this module.



Your practical teaching will be assessed by university tutors and school-based colleagues and moderated by external examiners. All elements of your work across the year will be taken into account and there are no written exams.

You will need to demonstrate your practical abilities as a teacher and your theoretical understanding of this practice and must fulfil the requirements for the Teacher Standards by the end of the course. We take an holistic approach to assessing whether you have met the standards that avoids gathering pieces of evidence to tick off boxes. Our key message is that if you are engaging successfully with all elements of your course you will be meeting the standards. To achieve your PGCE with QTS, you will need to meet the Teachers Standards and pass your academic assignments at masters’ level.


Fundamental mathematics and English skills

Before being recommended for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), you must be able to demonstrate competence in maths and English. At interview we will discuss your current level of ability and if needed, we will direct you to resources to engage with before the course. Throughout the course you will be supported to develop further to ensure you are fully competent by the end of your course.


How to apply

  • Visit DfE Find for more information on applying
  • Visit Apply for teacher training to start your application
  • Complete and submit the application form following the instructions

Please visit the tips for your application page for further guidance about what to include and how to write a good personal statement.

Once you have submitted your application it is sent to us. Suitable candidates will be invited to interview at the university. Successful applicants will be offered a place on the course. When the offer has been accepted, access to a pre-course website will help prepare for the start of the course.


Whilst teaching looks easy from the outside, it is incredibly complex and difficult to learn, yet our beginning teachers make enormous progress throughout their ITE year. I feel privileged to support them as they become the teacher that they want to be.

Claire Clemmet
Secondary PGCE
Course Leader

See all staff profiles


I honestly never expected to receive the amount of support we did. Both my school mentor and my university tutor were very knowledgeable and professional, but at the same time very caring. As a single mum to two very little boys, sometimes things would not go as planned, but I always felt I could count on them to help me get back on track with my course work and teaching practice. The support we were given was highly tailored to our needs as well.  

Greci Cristina Queiroz Taylor
Secondary PGCE Modern Languages 

See all alumni profiles


School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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