Mathematics Initial Teacher Education

Mathematics is an interesting, creative and challenging subject which we believe everyone can be successful in. Through this course, we will help you to realise this in your classroom. If you love mathematics, love working with young people and want to make a difference in their lives, then we would be delighted to hear from you.
Develop your identity as a teacher
Why do you want to be a teacher of mathematics?
What type of teacher do you want to be?
During the course, a range of new experiences and ideas at university and in school placements will help you consider your response to these questions, enabling you to become a critically aware and informed teacher, who can strongly support the learning of all pupils.
We will also help you explore how your own love of mathematics can be drawn on, developed and transformed to create interesting and challenging learning experiences in your classroom.
Develop your specialised mathematics teacher knowledge
A good teacher needs to develop an understanding of how others learn mathematics, what challenges and misconceptions arise, and how to support pupils to resolve these.
This specialised knowledge of mathematics is a marker of a teacher’s professional expertise, and we call it ‘didactics’.
During the course, a series of didactics sessions will challenge and develop your understanding of mathematics, enabling you to respond expertly and flexibly to the pupils you are working with.
Follow a high-quality learning programme
Our course is designed and refined in collaboration with school and university staff as well as former students. We draw on a range of expertise and experience as well as up-to-date research to ensure you are well equipped to begin your teaching career.
University sessions are active and engaging, encouraging you to share insights from research and ideas from practice. We give you opportunities to practise teaching techniques with your peers before you try them out with children in classrooms.
Sessions are taught by a range of experts - university tutors, school colleagues and regional leaders within mathematics education - to help you become a great mathematics teacher.
Receive fantastic support on your journey
Your university tutor has years of experience of teaching mathematics in school as well as a deep understanding of the progress of student teachers.
Your mentor in school is a current mathematics teacher committed to supporting your development throughout your placement. Many mentors have graduated from our course so they know it well and are well placed to be your guide.
Your peers also will become your friends and supporters through our strong ethos of reciprocal responsibility for each other’s learning.
Become an active professional
Observatory for Mathematical Education is involved in supporting the professional development of mathematics teachers globally. Researchers will be involved in the PGCE course and you will have access to a range of opportunities and materials.
Whilst teaching looks easy from the outside, it is incredibly complex and difficult to learn, yet our student teachers make enormous progress throughout their ITE year. I feel privileged to support them as they become the teacher that they want to be, developing their understanding of mathematics, how others learn and their understanding of themselves as teachers.
Claire Clemmet
Secondary PGCE Maths
Course Leader
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The university tutors always have your back. They are always willing to help you and answer any question, no matter how silly you think it is. They always have amazing advice to share, and they help point you in the right direction. The school-based mentors are also incredibly important to your growth as a teacher. They give very detailed feedback, and they understand that this is the year for you to experiment to find out what kind of teacher you want to be.
Dylan Marriott
Secondary PGCE Maths student
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