Initial Teacher Education

Primary Initial Teacher Education alumni profiles

Click on the photos below to view profiles. 

Hannah Hirst - Primary PGCE student

Hannah Hirst
Class of 2024

Seb Jones - Primary PGCE

Sebastian Jones
Class of 2023

Joe Beastall - Primary PGCE 2023

Joe Beastall
Class of 2023

Megan Dainty - Primary PGCE 2022/23

Megan Dainty
Class of 2023


Hannah Hirst

Hannah Hirst - Primary PGCE student

I want to be a teacher to better children’s education and create a better learning environment for children. When I was younger, I always grew up with brilliant teachers as role models not only in school but also at home as both my parents have been secondary teachers. I think anyone in the profession goes into it because they really care about children and want to make a difference. I think it is so important children feel empowered in their education and I would like to create that for them within my classroom.


Hannah studied costume design (stage and screen) at Nottingham Trent University. Growing up she always enjoyed the dramatic arts and textiles but was torn between teaching and arts when choosing her undergraduate degree and eventually decided to do something creative. In her final year, she made a costume for theatre education, showing a natural pull to education. When finishing her degree and deciding what to do next, she wanted to do some form of teaching with younger children so decided to pursue a teaching career in primary education. 

Hannah is very happy to have secured a teaching job as a year 3 teacher at Ambleside Academy in Nottingham, where she undertook her first PGCE placement, so she is excited to go back to where it all began.  

Below Hannah answers a series of questions about his experience on the PGCE course.

Q: Why did you choose the University of Nottingham PGCE course?

I choose the University of Nottingham as I wanted to go to a different university than my undergraduate degree. I had heard amazing things about the course and thought the interview process looked like something I would like to go through. It’s a prestigious university and I wanted to widen my opportunities and learning by having education from two different universities. 

Q: What are the main skills from your UG course that you've found helpful for this postgraduate level course?

I feel like my degree prepared me for different subjects I have had to teach on the course such as art and design and technology. 

Dissertation writing prepared me for the format of different academic writing and establishing key research techniques.

Q. What did you think about the university-based academic sessions on the PGCE?

I really enjoyed the university sessions and have been able to gain key understandings of all things primary related. I also enjoyed the foundation lesson seminars. It was good to be able to come back into university to discuss problems and highlight key moments of learning with peers.  

Q. How did your tutors and/or the school-based mentors support you during your course?

I felt really supported by both my school-based mentors and university tutors. I got regular check ins with both where I was able to speak freely about concerns and ask questions about oncoming events and I got feedback which guided my learning to better my teaching practice.

Q. Can you describe a typical day on placement – did you get involved in anything like clubs, parents’ evening etc? 

In all my school placements I have been able to learn skills day to day. I was able to conduct the teacher tasks of registering and submitting data for assessment. I got to plan and teach my lessons whilst also feeling included within the schools community. I got invited to several trips such as the theatre, history castle trip and orchestra live to watch children play instruments. It was also enriching to take part in after school clubs such as sewing club and choir. 

Q. Did you get involved in any enrichment activities? How did they help?

In the enrichment weeks I got to take part in specialised training for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and early years foundation stage (EYFS), as well as being invited to go to a meeting for newly qualified early careers teachers (ECTs) to see different perspectives on these provisions. In my placements I got enriching experiences such as anti-sematic training, PREVENT and British Sign Language (BSL) to deal with current issues within classrooms and how to help.

Q. What was the best part of the course?

I really enjoyed making new friends on the course throughout placements. I have also really enjoyed having expert delivery from the tutors and other specialised guest speakers. I feel I have been really supported through my time at the University of Nottingham and found teaching to be interesting and useful.  

Q. What advice would you give to someone thinking of studying a PGCE course?

I would say it’s so worth it if you want a challenge that is enriching and fun. However it is hard work but it will be the best feeling when you’re qualified. You will make friends and connections for life and throughout your career. 


Sebastian Jones 

Seb Jones - Primary PGCE
Teaching truly is a career where you are able to make a difference to children’s lives. It is incredible to see how much of an impact even a beginning trainee teacher can have on individual children over a short placement. We are at a time when there are many, many challenges facing children, from eco-anxiety to the cost-of-living crisis. Being able to help children navigate their way through their education and social development is simply extremely rewarding.

Seb worked as an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher in South Korea for just over four years prior to starting the PGCE course. Originally he studied business and management at undergraduate level and began a career as an estate agent. However, he was dissatisfied with the job and decided to try teaching. After discovering how much he liked the job, he wanted to become qualified so he could gain a much wider and secure skillset and be able to progress his career in the future.

Seb planned to return abroad once he completed his PGCE and has now secured a teaching job at a British International School in Eastern Europe starting in September. He feels the course really helped him to look for the signs of a school that will help their new teachers thrive and provide a continuation of the learning and development offered by the Primary PGCE and the sessions on applying for jobs helped him get a lot of interest from schools in Europe.

Below Seb answers a series of questions about his experience on the PGCE course.

Q. Why do you want to be a teacher?

One of the benefits of being a teacher is simply the fact that every single day at work is different. This can be challenging, but it does mean you will never, ever be bored. I’d dabbled in other jobs aside from the previously mentioned estate agency and found that after a period of months, the work would become incredibly repetitive. With teaching you really don’t know what to expect every day, and while it can be daunting at first, it means that every day you get a fresh start and a new challenge.

Q: Why did you choose the University of Nottingham PGCE course?

Simply put, the support network and systems in place to help students on the course seemed unparalleled anywhere else. The course as a whole feels incredibly collaborative; everyone from the mentors, to lecturers, to tutors wants to see you succeed and will support your development every step of the way. I cannot overstate how supportive the environment of the University of Nottingham PGCE is.

Q. What did you think about the university-based academic sessions on the PGCE?

The university-based sessions are really thorough and prepare students for as much as possible prior to becoming an Early Careers Teacher (ECT). There are so many facets to being a teacher that it is impossible to fully cover every last detail, but the university sessions are organised in a way that you are able to logically progress your development as a teacher. An example of this is the focus on wider curriculum subject lectures prior to going into the second placement, which is when you will begin to teach these lessons more frequently. The vast majority of lectures are also interactive and allow for plenty of reflection on the placements so far.

Q. How did your tutors and/or the school-based mentors support you during your course?

I feel extremely fortunate to have had both the tutor and the mentors that I did. My tutor was incredibly supportive in keeping me on track for what needed to be done and helping me stay up-to-date with my university-based work. Both of my mentors were also extremely willing to give up their own time in order to discuss the happenings of the day and to help me reflect on how I can improve or what new things I can try. I feel that having such a positive relationship with my tutor and mentors was so vital as I never felt under-pressure or stressed when something didn’t go exactly as planned. I always felt like I had a really strong support network that wanted to see me develop and succeed.

Q. Can you describe a typical day on placement – did you get involved in anything like clubs, parents’ evening etc?

would usually get to placement around 8am in order to set up for the day. Children will typically arrive around 8:50pm and I’d usually go outside just before this to welcome them and speak to parents. Depending on the part of the course, I’d either teach one or two lessons or a full day. The children would typically leave around 3:20pm, when I’d take them outside to dismiss them for the day. Then, I’d usually have some time to talk to my mentor and reflect on the day. I am also a big fan of getting resources prepared at this time so that everything is ready for the next day. 

Depending on the day, you can also be expected to participate in a lot of other activities around the school. Things like assemblies, school trips and parents evenings, for example, really help you build up your experience and understanding of what being a teacher entails.

Q. Did you get involved in any enrichment activities? How did they help?

There are lots of opportunities for enrichment activities throughout the course, and you won’t always have time to attend them all, especially when you are at your busiest during placement. I do recommend getting stuck in wherever you can though. An example from my second placement was a CPD meeting with a subsequent enrichment activity we had regarding questioning techniques to help children develop their reading comprehension. Sometimes it just takes a slightly different approach to something as simple as questioning for you to see a huge difference in your practice, and I could see how much more the children were engaging with our class texts once I changed this. The Primary PGCE also has some mandatory enrichment activities that were some of the highlights of my year. Learning and experiencing what it is like to take part in a forest school was a fantastic experience that was both fun to take part in and really made me re-evaluate the potential types of teaching I could offer to pupils.

Q. What was the best part of the course?

While it may be the obvious answer, the best part of the course had to be the friendships I made along the way. It’s quite funny to consider how much shorter the PGCE is than an undergraduate course, but how much more instrumental my peers have been in helping me pass the year. No two days on the course are the same; there will be days where you feel everything has clicked and that you are the greatest teacher to ever live, but there will also be days where everything goes wrong and you question if you are really in the right place. Having people going through the same experiences, both during school placements and when doing academic assignments, is so valuable because you have people who understand exactly how you are feeling and will support and encourage you. I think the tutors do a really good job of encouraging collaboration during the first month of the course which helps you build up the support network of friends that will last for its whole duration.

Q. What advice would you give to someone thinking of studying a PGCE course?

I would advise you to get things started early whenever possible. There are a lot of things to keep track of between university-based work, placement-based work, assignments, knowledge development, relationship building and such. If you let things pile up in order to rush them nearer a deadline, you will create a really stressful environment for yourself. Getting things started early is really important to stay on track with what needs to be done. Also, do not be afraid to talk to your mentors and tutors if you are falling behind. They are incredibly helpful and want to see you succeed. If you are falling behind or need more support, they will always be willing to lend you a hand.


Joe Beastall

Joe Beastall - Primary PGCE 2023
 Teaching has been a career that I have wanted to be a part of since I was really young. I have always wanted to inspire people and help people achieve the best they can. Teaching is something that also never gets predictable. Facing new challenges and obstacles everyday helps keep the job interesting and allows me to feel more engaged in the tasks and activities I am doing.

Joe studied a BA Philosophy, Religion and Ethics at the University of Nottingham. He chose to stay here for his PGCE because it felt like home. Studying his undergraduate degree allowed him to get to know the university, the local area, and the city before stepping into the next big part of his life. He is glad that staying at the University of Nottingham allowed him to focus more on his new course rather than trying to get to know the city alongside teaching. It helped him settle into the course quicker than at another university.

Joe has secured a job at a school in Milton Keynes teaching year five pupils.

Below Joe answers a series of questions about his experience on the PGCE course.

Q: What are the main skills from your UG course that you've found helpful for this postgraduate level course?

Although philosophy and theology don’t necessarily have direct teaching characteristics associated with it, the transferrable skills such as critical thinking, analysing situations, and being able to conduct a debate have all proved to be an integral skill to be a teacher. These skills were not obvious when I was applying to the course but were distinctive when I began the course and settled into my placements.

Q. What did you think about the university-based academic sessions on the PGCE?

They provided me with an insight of what to expect from the classroom. Being a student that started the course with no previous teaching experience made me feel nervous and already behind the rest of my cohort. The university sessions allowed me to catch up and feel prepared for my placements. They provided me with information and new skills that I can use in the classroom and inspired me to try out new and different pedagogies that I thought would work. 

Q. How did your tutors and/or the school-based mentors support you during your course?

Both my university tutor and my school-based mentors provided me with as much support as I needed. This helped me settle into university and placements easier. They were always on hand to provide feedback for lesson plans and my own academic writing. There was never a time on this course where I felt unsupported by the tutors and mentors around me – they are truly the people that got me through the course.

Q. Can you describe a typical day on placement – did you get involved in anything like clubs, parents’ evening etc?

I would normally arrive at school by 8am, this was to make sure I was ready for the day and was able to get to the printer before others! Getting to school earlier made me feel more confident with my lessons as I had more time to speak to other members of staff where needed. My mentor and I would always meet at lunchtime to discuss what has happened and where I could improve or to feed back on the pupils' learning. Any issues would be presented here with a plan being made on how to support those pupils who needed it. After school finished, I would normally get ready for the next day and file work that needed handing back out. I would normally leave at 4.30/5pm mostly prepared for the following day.

Q. Did you get involved in any enrichment activities? How did they help?

My placement school constantly offered extra enrichment activities for both student teachers, teachers and support staff. One example was a first aid inset say after the Easter holidays – this involved all staff members attending a first aid course that focussed on refreshing memories on core first aid training. This was very insightful and provided me with more skills that are integral to the safety of all the children in the class.

Q. What was the best part of the course?

The best part of the course was the foundation subject lectures. They were provided by an expert in that area who led us through a ‘typical lesson’ for that subject. Then, linking this to theorist research, we discussed the positives and negatives to the lesson whilst looking at the potential impact on learning. These lecture were more based on active learning which made them more engaging and enjoyable to do with your other teaching friends.

Q. What advice would you give to someone thinking of studying a PGCE course?

Don’t expect to learn everything in that year. There is so much to learn from lectures and placements, but ultimately you will always be learning, even when you are twenty years into your career. University and placements will prepare you for becoming a beginning teacher, but the learning will not end when the course does. Do not stress that you do not know everything because it is impossible to be an expert in a career that is different for every class you have.


Megan Dainty 

Megan Dainty - Primary PGCE 2022/23

Teaching is an opportunity to support children to develop socially, emotionally and academically. I am very passionate about providing children with opportunities that cultivate curriculum knowledge as well as develop curiosity, excitement for learning and an understanding of the world around them. I believe being a good teacher requires advocating for children and their futures, not just in the classroom. 


Megan worked for a tuition company in Birmingham during her A-Levels and there discovered her passion for education. Following A-Levels, she completed a BA Education at the University of Nottingham which gave her an insight into the theory behind education. She always felt the staff in the School of Education are immensely passionate about the development of education and the impact that teachers can have on this development. Hence, she decided to stay in the school to do the PGCE, to continue studying in a faculty that is supportive and in line with my own values as an educator.

Megan has secured a job as a reception teacher. Although not one of her placement schools, the head teacher was involved in a university-based session, so Megan was aware of the school.

Below Megan answers a series of questions about his experience on the PGCE course.

Q: What are the main skills from your UG course that you've found helpful for this postgraduate level course?

Through my undergraduate course, I developed a lot of independence. The field of education is so broad and so it was important that I could narrow down my own passions and explore these independently for my assignments. However, I also learned the value of asking for help. I have always felt supported by the School of Education and knowing I could ask for help with assignments, placements or anything else was very important. 

Q. What did you think about the university-based academic sessions on the PGCE?

The university-based sessions are a great opportunity to build a bridge between theory and practice. I really admired how the teaching staff would utilise the strategies they were talking about in the sessions to model good teaching practice. For example, during the scientific thinking session, we had an opportunity to carry out an experiment and think about how we could use this in our own classrooms. The sessions are always very informative and interactive; it was great to hear from a range of individuals and pick up various teaching hints and tips.

Q. How did your tutors and/or the school-based mentors support you during your course?

My tutor was extremely supportive throughout the course. If I ever had a question about the course, a pedagogical inquiry or something more personal, I was always able to contact a tutor and receive the appropriate support.

Working with school-based mentors was a really exciting opportunity to work with, and learn from experienced teachers. My mentors always made sure I knew what I was doing well and pushed me to be the best teacher I could be. 

Q. Can you describe a typical day on placement – did you get involved in anything like clubs, parents’ evening etc?

On a typical day, I would arrive approximately an hour before the children to make sure I had time to set up for the day and speak to my class teacher. I was often on the door in the morning to greet families and begin to build a relationship with them. Then I’d do the register and teach whatever I’d planned for that day (usually phonics, English, maths and topic). I loved being on home-time duty with my mentor as it was a lovely opportunity to speak to some of the parents about what we’d done that day. I would then stay a bit later to catch up with my mentor about the day and prep for the following days. I had a staff meeting every Wednesday and also joined in with parents’ evening. 

Q. What was the best part of the course?

Developing relationships with children and staff has been my favourite part of the course. I feel I have built strong relationships with both the adults and staff at the schools I’ve been at. It has been a huge achievement to know that I have impacted on children’s time in school and to also know that they perceive me as another one of their teachers. Similarly, I have learned a lot from the staff that I have worked with and hearing them refer to me as a valued member of the team feels like a big achievement.

Q. What advice would you give to someone thinking of studying a PGCE course?

Absolutely go for it! The PGCE course is demanding and has its challenges but if you have a passion for teaching, it is absolutely worth it. Whether you’re coming onto the course with experience or not, my main advice would just be to grab the bull by the horns, enjoy the time with the kids at school and know it’s okay to ask for help.




School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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