Estates and Facilities

How to apply for your first staff university card

Staff card applications 

  • We will send an email to your university email address on your start date explaining how to apply for your university card.
  • Please note that it may take a couple of weeks between applying for your university card and it being made ready for collection.

Apply for your staff university card and upload your photo

You need:

  • A recent digital passport style photograph of yourself (in .jpeg format)
  • Your university username and password provided to you by email

The photo needs to be approximately 420x420 pixels in jpeg format and must comply with the following requirements:

  • Close-up of full head and upper shoulders
  • Facing forward looking straight at the camera
  • No hats or sunglasses
  • Contain no other objects or people
  • Unaltered by filters

If your photo does not comply with the above or is otherwise inappropriate you will be liable to pay a £15 replacement fee.

Upload your photo

Details for uploading your photo:

Tenant: UON

Username: Payroll number/Student ID number

Password: Unique password sent to you via email

Collection of your staff or associate card

It takes 8-10 days to produce your card from when you submit your application. You will receive an email when your card is ready for collection at the Security Office, located at the rear of Hallward Library, University Park. 

Campus map 

Estates and Facilities

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD