Estates and Facilities

Estates & Facilities Directorate

Gary Moss_100x150

Gary Moss, Estates & Facilities Director

Responsible for providing strategic leadership to the university’s estates and facilities functions – driving the long-term estates strategy and capital projects programmes and ensuring the delivery of high performing and innovative estates services such as maintenance, housekeeping, security and catering.



Amanda Pettingill, Deputy Director of Estates & Facilities Catering, Conferencing and Hospitality Director
The portfolio includes management of student Halls accommodation, catering, bars and hospitality services.

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Andy Nolan, Director of Property & Development
Responsible for the University’s sustainability strategy, estate masterplan and the estate development framework.

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Mark Hubbard_100x150
Mark Hubbard, Estates Operations Director
Estates Operations ensure the smooth day to day running of our building and environments.

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Laura Armitage, Director of Estates Master Planning
Responsible for the Estates Master Plan and Space Management.

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Muhammad Ali, Director of Environmental Sustainability
Responsible for the university’s sustainability strategy.

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The Directorate PA supports the Estates Directorate with personal assistance and administration. 

Leigh Stone, PA to the Estates Directorate Team

Nat Parker-Fearn, Administrative Assistant



Estates & Facilities Directorate Structure

Estates and Facilities

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD