Please provide name and title of your Head of School/Department
Please advise your School/Department
Please provide dialling code and full telephone number.
Your email address
Please state full name, address, contact information and email address.
An SME is a small to medium sized non-subsidiary independent enterprise of less than 250 employees (or turnover of less than £50 million).
Please identify the nature of the proposed work. Please provide sufficient detail to enable confirmation that this external work would not be classified as research. No research activity may be undertaken as external work.
State total no. of days over the duration "Period from" -
"Period to". If this duration extends beyond 31 July, provide breakdown of days for blocks of period up to 31 July. Example: Total = 8 days;
Up to 31 July 2016 = 2 days; 01 Aug 2016 - 31 July 2017 = 6 days.
Restricted to a maximum of 50 days per financial year (for Category 2). Financial year refers to 1 Aug to 31 July the following year.
Approval for work on a single project cannot exceed 3 years. Further permission should be requested towards the end of a 3-year period if the work is to continue.
Please state amount in sterling. Note: If invoice is not going to be in £ then bank charges and exchange rate losses/gains might apply.
If Yes, please include the total cost of the Services Rendered (SR) in the project remuneration amount. SR includes the use of University facilities and/or equipment. Consultancy work which includes an SR element must be administered through Nottingham University Consultants (NUC).
If Yes, please include the total cost of the Services Rendered (SR) in the project Remuneration amount. SR includes the use of University facilities/and equipment. Consultancy work which includes an SR element must be administered through Nottingham University Consultants (NUC).
Does the work involve human subjects in any way or require the collection of personal data or could the work be considered ethically sensitive in any other way?
For privately administered work, the University requires a liability disclaimer to be signed by the client prior to work commencing. Further details are available in the External Work Policy - Annex B. A copy of the client disclaimer pr-forma will be sent to you with your approval letter.
Don't include Category 1 automatic permissions work and/or public and civic duties leave. Please also use this space to add any notes about how impact on current duties will be mitigated, e.g. 'previously discussed with line manager'. Please include the number of days of other external work within the current financial and future financial years that are concurrent with the period of the application.