Research and Innovation

Nominations for the Faculty of Arts


Professor Heike Bartel, School of Culture, Languages and Area Studies

Finalist one: Hungry for Words: Creative approaches to shape healthcare and address health inequalities.

Project lead: Professor Heike Bartel, School of Culture, Languages and Area Studies.



Professor Alex Mullen, School of Humanities, and his team.

Finalist two: Roman voices for modern audiences: Reclaiming linguistic and cultural diversity in classical heritage and education

Project lead: Professor Alex Mullen, School of Humanities



Professor Helen Kennedy, School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies

Finalist three: Growing, LEADD:NG and Sustaining Inclusive Immersive Futures

Project leads: Professor Helen Kennedy, School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies


Research and Innovation

Get in touch:

Jubilee Conference Centre
Jubilee Campus
Triumph Road
Nottingham, NG8 1DH