
Environmental Sustainability Committee

1.  Purpose

The Committee is a Committee of the University Executive Board. The Committee has executive responsibility for the development and implementation of environmental sustainability across the University. This will include providing strategic direction, accountability, and authorisation.

The Committee shall ensure there is an integrated, proactive approach to environmental sustainability across the University that is informed by best practice, and supports the achievement of the University’s values, objectives and strategy. The Committee will work in close partnership with other parts of the University’s governance structures.

2.  Responsibilities

Without limiting the general responsibilities as described above:

  1. To develop, implement and oversee the University’s approach to environmental sustainability, and to drive and oversee the University’s commitment to delivery. 
  2. To be assured that environmental sustainability is embedded across the University’s policies and activities and in particular is part of its decision making processes.
  3. To establish and review relevant KPIs, and to monitor institutional performance in relation to environmental sustainability.
  4. To advise UEB on best practice and innovation from within and external to the sector.
  5. To recommend priorities for investment
  6. To receive annual reports from UNNC and UNM on environmental sustainability.
  7. To deliver reports and updates to the University Executive Board as required including an annual report.
  8. To establish such sub-groups as may be required to deliver specific areas of the Committee’s remit.
  9. To receive reports and updates from its sub-committees and where relevant from other committees, including other University Executive Board committees.
  10. The Chair of the Committee is accountable for the decisions of the Committee which includes but is not limited to decisions with a financial impact and will liaise with the chairs of other committees and other budget holders where there is overlap in responsibility.

3.  Delegated Authority

The delegated financial authority of the Committee is £2m or as stated in the Financial Regulations.

4.  General 

4.1 Membership


Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Global Engagement

Academic Membership

Faculty Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education and Student Experience (Medicine and Health Sciences)
Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange
Two academics with a research focus on sustainability

        Professional Services

Head of Finance (Professional Services and Strategic Programmes)
Director of Estates and Facilities
Development and Sustainability Director
Head of Procurement


One representative from both UNM and UNNC

Student Representative

To be nominated by the Students' Union

Nominated Members

Two to be selected through the Committee Membership Selection Process

The Head of Sustainability may be in attendance at meetings but is not a member of the Committee. Specialist members of staff may be invited to be in attendance at meetings as appropriate. 

4.2  Chair and Support

The Committee will be convened and chaired by a Pro-Vice Chancellor. The Secretary will be supplied by Governance and Executive Support. 

4.3  Frequency of Meetings

The Committee will meet quarterly and the Chair shall call additional meetings where necessary.  The Committee shall delegate activity to sub-groups or committees as appropriate.

4.4  Deputies

Members of the Committee are not able to nominate a deputy to attend the meeting on their behalf.

4.5  Quorum

A quorum will be half the regular membership plus one.

4.6  Term of Office

The term of office for the members selected by the Committee Membership Selection Group is two years. Some of these members may be reappointed for a further year with the agreement of the Chair in order to maintain an appropriate balance between turnover and experience on the Committee.

The term of office for the representative nominated by the Students’ Union is one year.  Other members are ex officio. 

4.7  Reporting and Review

The Committee will report to University Executive Board. The effectiveness and the membership of the Committee will be reviewed annually. The Committee will receive reports from its subgroups:

  • Education and Student Experience Sustainability Subgroup
  • Research Sustainability Working Group
  • Operational Subgroup


(Approved by Environmental Sustainability Committee on 01.11.2022)

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University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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