
Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee

1. Purpose

Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee will deliver the University’s RKE strategies and drive the performance of research and knowledge exchange initiatives. It will direct resources and deliver a best in sector RKE environment that supports the University to meet its objectives as set out in the Performance Framework. The Committee is responsible for all research activity including that of staff and postgraduate students and has a critical role in gathering intelligence on the external RKE environment and ensuring the University is adequately prepared to take advantage of the opportunities available and manages any risks.

2. Responsibilities

The responsibilities of the Committee are:


1. To direct, support and advise on the development of institutional RKE strategies and policy at the University in support of the University’s strategy and achievement of its key performance indicators and ensure that Faculty RKE strategies align to those institutional RKE strategies.

2. To advise on and support the development of the institutional approach to the Research Excellence Framework (REF), the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) and any future research quality assessment exercises.

3. To work with the relevant committees to ensure that other University strategies including education and student experience, digital, civic, global, environmental sustainability and people and culture are appropriately reference, reflect and intersect with the University’s RKE priorities.

4. To direct the detailed prioritisation of the RKE investment portfolio in support of the delivery of RKE strategies, including internal funding, HEIF and occasional awards from Research England.


5. To take responsibility for the delivery of University RKE strategies and performance including oversight of the progress of initiatives that will deliver RKE strategies in line with the University’s Performance Framework with reference to key performance indicators, to direct and implement changes where they are within the remit of the committee, and to and make appropriate recommendations to senior committees to
support delivery where the changes are not within remit.

6. To maintain active scrutiny and oversight of high-level RKE risks, including quarterly review of the committee level risk register.

7. To ensure all risks relating to the delivery of RKE objectives, priorities and key performance indicators are clearly identified, owned and reported. Risks may be identified by the Committee, a sub-committee or senior committee.

8. To consider key risks in Committee decision-making and determine actions to mitigate risks and ensure that risks are escalated to the University strategic level or delegated to RKE sub-committees or appropriate management boards for decision-making and oversight where appropriate, in line with the University Risk Management Framework.

1. The membership of the Committee shall comprise:


Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research and Knowledge Exchange

 Academic Membership


1 Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor, Researcher Academy and Researcher Career Development

5 Faculty Associate Pro-ViceChancellors for Research and Knowledge Exchange

1 Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange

1 Vice-Provost for Research, UNM

1 Vice-Provost for Research, UNNC

Professional Services

Chief Financial Officer

Director Research and Innovation Operations

Director Research and Innovation Strategy

Director of Libraries

Director of Planning, Performance and Strategic Change

Student Representative

Students’ Union Officer (to be determined by the Students' Union)

Senate Members

2 Senate members (to be determined by Senate)

2. The Research Strategic Delivery Lead is invited to attend the Committee.

3. Other relevant colleagues may be invited to attend the Committee at the discretion of the Chair for all or part as is appropriate for the requirements of the meeting.

4. The term of office for the members of Senate is three years and for the Students’ Union Officer it is one year. Other members are ex officio.

5. Operation

1. The Committee shall be chaired by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research and Knowledge Exchange and in their absence by the Vice-Chair.

2. The Vice-Chair shall be the Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research and Knowledge Exchange. 

3. The Secretary shall be a member of the Governance team.

4. The quoracy for meeting is half the regular membership plus one.

5. Deputies are not permitted.

6. The Chair will determine the frequency of meetings, but it is expected that meetings will be once a quarter.

7. The Committee is a committee of Senate and reports of meetings and copies of minutes shall be submitted to Senate. Reports and minutes will shall also be submitted to UEB.

8. The Committee may convene sub-groups or committees as it deems necessary to deliver its responsibilities. Any such groups or committees shall report to the Committee.

9. The following sub-groups or committees currently report and submit minutes to the Committee:
(a) Research and Knowledge Exchange Operations Committee
(b) Post-Graduate Research Committee
(c) Research and Knowledge Exchange Futures Advisory Group
(d) REF Strategy Committee

10. The Faculty Research and Knowledge Exchange Boards shall also report to the Committee.

(Terms of Reference approved January 2024)

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University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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