4. Emma’s Agenda – activity
It's important to ensure that the agenda is not too cluttered and that things to be discussed can be covered in the time available. There may be far more potential items on an agenda than time allows. Try the following activity to formulate an agenda for Emma's ward round.
Select the 'Set agenda' button to create an agenda for Emma. Drag and drop all items as they appear onto either of clipboards below? Keep an eye on the clock as your agenda should total 20 minutes or less. You may need to move items around to formulate the best agenda for Emma. A button to view an example agenda for Emma will appear, once you have placed all available items on both clipboards.
Inside ward roundTime:
which is more than the permitted 20 minutes for an Ideal Ward round meeting. Remove some agenda items.
Discharge planning (aftercare, assessment etc): 4min
Carer views on patient admission/discharge: 3min
Update of week: 5min
Physical health needs of patient: 2min
Social activites for patient: 1min
Introductions: 30 sec
Review/confirm S17 leave: 2min 30sec
OT Feedback: 1min 30sec
Medication concordance and review 3min 30sec
Alternative medication: 5min
Pharmacist feedback: 1min
Review patient's experiences since last ward round: 3 mins
How are you feeling? 2min
Patient questions: 2min
Smoking cessation: 1min
Review of care plan: 3min
Advance statement: 2min
Plan for agreed follow up: 2min
If you have added all agenda items.