9. Emma’s ward round – activity
This activity is designed to help you consider Emma's case study. Using the agenda from the first exercise, consider who should be present for Emma’s ward round. Make sure all agenda items are covered, but also, keep an eye on the ‘Stress Thermometer'. This will have an impact on the patient’s experience of the meeting and ultimately the benefit they get from it. Drag and drop the most suited icons into the meeting room area, to help meet the requirements of Emma's agenda.
Example ward round agenda
- Introductions: 30sec
- Feedback from MDT: 4min
- Review patient experiences since last review: 3min
- Carers views: 3min
- Medication concordance and review: 3min 30sec
- Plan for agreed follow up: 2min
- Review of care plan: 2min
- Any questions from patient: 2min
Not all agenda items have been covered!
Yes, this is the minimum amount of people required to cover agenda!
Yes, all agenda items have been covered, but could be covered with less people, this would also help reduce stress for the patient.
Select each of the following icons to discover their role in the ward round
The patient is required to attend the ward round meeting and will contribute to feedback from MDT and ask questions at the end of the meeting.
Responsible clinician:
The Responsible clinician can undertake introductions, feedback from MDT and contribute to discussions around discharge and social activities.
The Student:
The Student is allowed to attend to gain experience but does not contribute in any assessment.
The Advocate can contribute to introductions, review of patient's experience and discharge.
Peer support worker:
The peer support worker can contribute to introductions and discussions around discharge and social activities.
Care Coordinator:
The Care Coordinator can contribute to introductions, review patient's experiences since last review, carers views, a plan for agreed follow up, review of care plan and in answering any questions from the patient.
Health care assistant:
The Health care assistant can contribute to introductions and feedback from MDT.
Junior doctor:
The junior doctor can contribute to introductions and feedback from MDT, review of care plan, medication and discharge.
Occupational therapist:
The Occupational therapist can contribute to introductions and feedback from MDT, review of care plan and discharge.
The Nurse can contribute to introductions and feedback from MDT, review of care, review of patient's experiences and discharge.
Family member/carer/friend:
The Family member/carer/friend can support review of patient's experiences, discussions around discharge and social activities.
The Pharmacist can support introductions, feedback from MDT and discussions around medication.
Community Nurse:
The Community nurse can contribute to introductions, carer views, medication concordance and review, plan for agreed follow up and a review of care plan.
Social worker:
The social worker can contribute to introductions, review of care plan and discussions around discharge.