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CRIB - Caregivers' Responsive Infant Feeding Behaviours.

3. Learning activity

What do you know about responsive feeding? Why don't you have a go at this activity to see who, what, when, where, how often and with who responsive feeding can happen?

Face in Mirror


Face in Mirror


Face in Mirror

    Checking signs and responding by:

  • Feeding baby when they show they are hungry
  • Stopping feeding when they show they are full


Face in Mirror


Face in Mirror
  • When you see hunger and fullness signs and are able to respond.


Face in Mirror

How Often

Face in Mirror
  • When baby wants to be fed or stop feeding (or when you can as a caregiver).

How Often

Face in Mirror

With who?

Face in Mirror
  • How to feed responsively can be communicated with anyone who cares for baby for example grandparents, other family members, friends, siblings etc.

With who?

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