RLO: Dyslexia and workplace learning


Title/link Description
Understanding Dyslexia (RLO) An introduction to dyslexia, outlining both positive and negative aspects.
Action on Access Action on Access is the national co-ordination team for widening participation in higher education.
Disability Rights Commission The goal of the DRC, a UK body for people with disabilities, is: "A society where all disabled people can participate fully as equal citizens". The website has a wealth of information on disability rights, employment, and the law.
Dyslexia the Gift Information, links and resources for Dyslexia.
Skill Website of the National Bureau for Students with Disabilities, with support and information on funding, access and rights during study and moving into work. Includes personal accounts by students.
British Dyslexia Association The BDA is an information, support and campaign group for dyslexic people in the UK.