Interested in planning an event involving experts in the history, literature and art of the ancient Greek and Roman world?
Contact NoCOut to discuss the details.
Saturday 13 June 2015, Nottingham Lakeside Arts
Talk by Nottingham’s Stephen Hodkinson and comics-writer Kieron Gillen about their collaboration on the historical graphic novel Three.
This was followed by a Make Your Own Historical Comics workshop with Stephen, Kieron and poetry-comics creator Chrissy Williams.
On our stall at the University’s community day May Fest (now renamed Wonder) we have featured:
Once people had had their hair done, they could call into the Digital Transformations Hub (DTH) to dress up and be inserted into an ancient scene or onto an ancient coin - see the DTH blog...
Digital Time Travellers
University of NottinghamUniversity Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD
Contact details Archaeology twitter Classics twitter