Initial Teacher Education pre-course information

Strands and Phases

All of our ITE programmes are underpinned by a Framework of Strands and Phases that outline the knowledge a beginning teacher needs to develop and the phases of their journey through their ITE year and beyond.

Each phase of your programme is built around a key question of inquiry about beginning teacher development. For example: ‘In what ways can you develop an understanding of the specialised knowledge a teacher needs?’ or ‘How can you become confident in planning, teaching and evaluating lessons?’.

Within a phase you will explore and develop your knowledge as a teacher in seven areas: 

  • Teacher as professional
  • Teacher as thinker
  • Subject knowledge for teaching
  • Pedagogies
  • Progressing learning for all
  • Curriculum
  • Building positive relationships

The first phase captures this period of time before you start your course and is all about preparing for September. Click on the appropriate link below to open a full document with all phases:


As you undertake the various tasks and activities outlined within this pre-course website, keep in mind the Phase 1 key foci, these should should help you make sense of what we are asking you to do.

As phase two begins, when you join us in August, we will build on the pre-course tasks to support you to develop your specialised knowledge as a teacher.

Student Services Centre – ITE Office

School of Education
Dearing Building
Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB