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Order dated 20 May 2024 (Ref No: KB-2024-BHM-000107)

Order dated 22 May 2024 (Ref No: KB-2024-BHM-000107) 

Amended Order dated 31 May 2024 (Ref No: KB-2024-BHM-000107)

Notice of Hearing dated 03 June 2024 (Ref No: KB-2024-BHM-000107)

(06.06.2024) Notice of Hearing on 7 June 2024 (31551749.1) (Ref No KB-2024-BHM-000107))

(06.06.2024) Application Notice (31544677.1) (Ref No KB-2024-BHM-000107)

(06.06.2024) Application Notice Continuation Sheets (31544675.1) (Ref No KB-2024-BHM-000107)

(06.06.2024) Claimant's Authorities for Hearing on 7 June 2024 (Ref No KB-2024-BHM-000107)

(06.06.2024) Claimant's Skeleton Argument (Ref No KB-2024-BHM-000107)

(06.06.2024) Draft Order 1 (31544678.1) (Ref No KB-2024-BHM-000107)

(06.06.2024) Draft Order 2 (31544680.1) (Ref No KB-2024-BHM-000107)

(07.06.2024) Sealed Order 1 (31588323.1) (Ref No KB-2024-BHM-000107)

(07.06.2024) Sealed Order 2 (31588323.1) (Ref No KB-2024-BHM-000107)

(14.06.2024) Statement of Dr Paul Greatrix (Ref No KB-2024-BHM-000107) 

(14.06.2024) Exhibit PG1-8 (Ref No KB-2024-BHM-000107)

(14.06.2024) Bundle on 14 June 2024 (Ref No KB-2024-BHM-000107) 

(18.06.2024) Order dated 18 June 2024 (Ref No: KB-2024-BHM-000107)

(27.06.2024) Sealed Order (Amended) (Ref No KB-2024-BHM-000107)

(02.07.2024) 1.7.24 Second Statement of River Butterworth signed (31904160.1)

(02.07.2024) Exhibit bundle 2  RB 2nd Wit Stat 1.7.4 (31904164.1)

(02.07.2024) PG Exhibits 9-17 (FINAL)(31921059.1)

(02.07.2024) Second Statement of Dr Paul Greatrix 02.07.24 SIGNED(31923605.1)

(02.07.2024) University of Nottingham - Claimant's Skeleton Argument for Hearing on 5 July 2024(31901120.1)

(02.07.2024) University of Nottingham - Joint Agreed Hearing Timetable(31903988.1)

(02.07.2024) University of Nottingham - Joint Agreed List of Issues(31903978.1)

(02.07.2024) University of Nottingham - Joint Agreed Suggested Pre-Reading(31903982.1)

(02.07.2024) University of Nottingham - Joint Bundle of Authorities for Hearing on 5 July 2024(31909103.1)

(02.07.2024) University of Nottingham v Joel Butterworth  Persons Unknown - D1 Skeleton Argument 01.07.24 AH tcs(31906301.1)

(03.07.2024) Claimant's Application dated 3 July 2024 - Draft Order(31940590.1) KB-2024-BHM-000107

(03.07.2024) Claimant's Application Notice dated 3 July 2024(31940560.1) KB-2024-BHM-000107

(03.07.2024) PG Exhibits 9-17 (31921059.1)

(03.07.2024) Second Statement of Dr Paul Greatrix 02.07.24 (31940191.1)

(03.07.2024) Signed Witness Statement Stuary Croy 02.07.24 (31940173.1)

(10.07.2024) Order dated 10 July 2024 (Ref No: KB-2024-BHM-000107)



Legal Services

Trent Building
University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD