
LGBT+ History Month

Find inspiration for your next read with our LGBTQIA+ reading list.


LGBTQIA+ reading list - borrow and suggest titles

Every year, we ask staff and students to share their recommendations of works by LGBTQIA+ writers or titles that explore LGBTQIA+ culture and history for inclusion in our reading list and to help us to develop our collections.

In 2020, we purchased 72 of the suggestions, including award-winning fiction, graphic novels, poetry, essay collections, non-fiction titles and more. 

In February 2021, we made many of these titles available as ebooks, allowing the university community to access these titles wherever they are.

Browse the LGBTQIA+ reading list

LGBTQ+ History Month


Discover our collections: LGBTQ+

Staff, students and researchers can access a wide range of resources related to LGBTQ+ topics, across a variety of academic disciplines, in our physical and online collections.

Visit our blog for an insight into just some of the resources in our collections. You can search our entire collection using NUsearch.

Discover our collections: LGBTQ+


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