
Resource Spotlight: MLA International Bibiliography (Modern Languages)

Microsoft Teams
Monday 27th January 2025 (12:30-13:00)
Registration URL

  Spotlight on databases webinar

This webinar is suitable for all students studying Arts and Social Science subjects.

About the session

Explore the key features of MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association), a database covering research on literature, modern languages, linguistics, culture, and folklore.
This webinar will cover the key features of MLA and show you how to structure a search using a variety of search techniques to help you get the best results.

How to join

Access the channel for this meeting on Teams

Step by Step instructions

  1. Join our Spotlight On... Microsoft Team
  2. To join a webinar immediately, find it in the weekly post. You can also browse webinar types and times and add them to your personal calendar using the left-hand menu

If you want to add a webinar to your calendar, you can do this from each meeting page, using the + Add to calendar button.

Further support 


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