
Staying Compliant Checklist

There are a number of ways that you can use content without infringing copyright. This checklist introduces the main ways to stay compliant and helps you decide what you can lawfully do. 

When using this checklist you need to consider:

  • what type of material you are using
  • what type of a copying you want to do e.g. scanning, photocopying, adapting, distributing to others, performing
  • what the purpose of your copying is e.g. private study, teaching, non-commercial or commercial research
  • what proportion of the original work you want to use

When copying a work in any of the ways below you should always attribute/acknowledge the source.

If you are in any doubt, do not copy! You can seek further advice from

1. Has copyright expired?


2. Is the work available under an open licence?


3. Can you use a blanket licence for teaching purposes?


4. Is there a statutory exception that permits your use?


5. If using a library online resource, does the resource licence allow your use?


6. Should you seek permission from the rights owner?


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