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APC discounts for authors

Can I get a discount on article processing charges (APCs)?

The University of Nottingham has a number of agreements with certain publishers that provide discounts on article processing charges (APCs). The table below shows the current discounts available to UK-based University of Nottingham authors and some of the basic terms and conditions which apply.

We recommend you contact as early as possible to check your eligibility.

(Authors at University of Nottingham Ningbo China and University of Nottingham Malaysia should check eligibility for discounts as some agreements apply to UK-based authors only.)

The University receives block grants from the UK Research Councils (formerly grouped as RCUK but now part of UK Research and Innovation) and some of the six health charities formerly making up the Charity Open Access Fund (COAF) to cover the costs of open access publishing. 

  • UoN-affiliated authors whose work has been funded by these funders may be eligible to have the entire APC paid from the block grants. Please visit our Requesting open access funding page for more information.
  • UoN-affiliated authors whose work is not funded by the Research Councils or health charities will need to identify a source of funding to cover the balance of the APC following any discount.


How do I obtain a discount?

When your article is accepted for publication, please complete the University of Nottingham Gold Open Access Funding Form. Please note that the process for articles submitted to journals published by BioMed (BMC)/Springer Open, Frontiers and MDPI journals is slightly different (see table below).

If the journal publishing your article requests a ‘verification code’ or ‘institutional membership code’ from you, this relates to an arrangement with the publisher for a partial APC discount. Please note that we can only release the relevant code to you after your Gold Open Access Funding Form is approved by the Open Access team, to ensure adequate funding is in place to cover the balance of the APC.


The information below is subject to change. Always check APCs and discounts with your publisher.

If you cannot find your journal publisher below, check our Transformative agreements page, for an agreement which covers the full cost of the APC.


Publisher discounts for UoN authors

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