Files in pigeonholes

Depositing your research output


How to deposit your research output

There are two methods to deposit your research output in the University's Research Information System (RIS) repository (link to RIS page):

  1. Deposit the item yourself in RIS using the RIS Outputs and Research Repository User Guide.
    First time users of RIS need to register at the RIS Moodle training site (University log-in required).
    Registered users may log in to RIS here: Login to RIS
    (This is the route for types of publication other than journal articles and conference papers)
  2. Use the Mediated Deposit Service

To allow everyone to access your output via the repository, please ensure you have converted your output file into an accessible PDF before deposit. You can do this by following the step-by-step Creating accessible PDFs guidance.

By depositing your research output in RIS you agree to adhere to the below deposit licence:

 University of Nottingham Research Information System Deposit Licence  


The default licensing terms of the university repository (RIS) have been updated. Unless authors select otherwise, files associated with research outputs within the repository will be released under a CC BY licence.  

If you do not wish or do not have permission to release a file under this licence, please ensure you choose an alternative licence option when uploading your file, or include a preferred licence in any mediated deposits. For more information on these changes please see this announcement.  

Mediated Deposit Service


Postgraduate Research Students


University of Nottingham Libraries

King's Meadow Campus
Lenton Lane
Nottingham, NG7 2NR

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