Depositing your research output
How to deposit your research output
There are two methods to deposit your research output in the University's Research Information System (RIS) repository (link to RIS page):
- Deposit the item yourself in RIS using the RIS Outputs and Research Repository User Guide.
First time users of RIS need to register at the RIS Moodle training site (University log-in required).
Registered users may log in to RIS here: Login to RIS
(This is the route for types of publication other than journal articles and conference papers)
- Use the Mediated Deposit Service
To allow everyone to access your output via the repository, please ensure you have converted your output file into an accessible PDF before deposit. You can do this by following the step-by-step Creating accessible PDFs guidance.
By depositing your research output in RIS you agree to adhere to the below deposit licence:
University of Nottingham Research Information System Deposit Licence
The Depositor’s Rights and Responsibilities
The Depositor hereby confirms that,
They own copyright in the Research Output or are authorised by the owner(s), or other holder(s), of these rights and are competent to grant under this agreement a licence to hold and disseminate copies.
They have secured sufficient permissions to ensure that the Research Output does not and shall not violate or infringe any intellectual property rights.
They have made all necessary checks to ensure that jointly owned or third-party copyright material included in the Research Output is acknowledged.
They have fulfilled all the obligations required by any agreement with an organisation that commissioned, sponsored or supported the Research Output, and the terms of the deposit enable adherence to the terms of any other agreement.
They will notify when depositing any restriction on public access to the Research Output for the protection of patent applications or other intellectual property rights.
The Repository's Rights and Responsibilities
The Depositor grants University of Nottingham Research Information System (the Repository) a non-exclusive licence to use the Research Output in the following ways:
Electronically store, copy or reformat the Research Output, or do any other act restricted by copyright, to the extent necessary to ensure future preservation and accessibility.
Remove the Research Output for academic or administrative reasons, or in accordance with the University of Nottingham Libraries Takedown Policy.
The University of Nottingham:
Shall incur no liability for the work in the event of breach of intellectual property rights or any other right in the material deposited.
Shall be under no obligation to take legal action on behalf of the Depositor or other rights holders in the event of breach of intellectual property rights or any other right in the material deposited.
A PDF of this licence, including additional explanatory information can be found here.
This service is offered by University of Nottingham Libraries to help you deposit research outputs in RIS.
How to use the service
Email the Open Access team at with ‘Mediated deposit request - Date of Acceptance: DD.MM.YYYY’ in the subject line. It is vital that you include the date of acceptance (and, if applicable, of publication) in the subject line so that the team can prioritise requests in line with REF eligibility deadlines.
Please send a separate email for each item you would like us to deposit for you.
Email the open access team
Please make sure you include the following in your email:
For Articles
Email subject heading:
- 'Mediated Deposit Request - Date of acceptance: DD.MM.YYYY' or ‘Mediated Deposit Request – DOA: DD.MM.YYYY; DOP: DD.MM.YYYY’
If immediately after acceptance and before publication:
- PDF of the author's accepted manuscript
- Name of the journal venue (full title, not an abbreviation)
- If not on the manuscript, names of co-authors
- Schools or Departments of Nottingham authors
- Licence for manuscript file to be released under from repository
If after publication, including online early publication:
- PDF of the author's accepted manuscript
- Link (URL) to the version of the paper on the publisher’s website
For Conference Papers
Email subject heading:
- 'Mediated Deposit Request - Date of acceptance: DD.MM.YYYY' or ‘Mediated Deposit Request – DOA: DD.MM.YYYY; DOP: DD.MM.YYYY’
If immediately after acceptance and before publication:
- PDF of the author's accepted manuscript
- Details of the conference venue
- If possible, provide a link to conference website
- If not on the manuscript, names of co-authors
- Schools or Departments of Nottingham authors
- Licence for manuscript file to be released under from repository
If after publication, including online early publication:
- PDF of the author's accepted manuscript
- Link to the version of the paper on the conference website or publisher’s website
For long-form publications (such as book chapters, monographs and edited collections)
Email subject heading:
'Mediated Deposit Request - [Funder - if applicable]; Date of publication: DD.MM.YYYY'
- Name of publisher (full title, not an abbreviation)
- If not on the manuscript, names of co-authors, and editors (if part of an edited collection)
- Schools or Departments of Nottingham authors
- PDF of the Author's Accepted Manuscript (AAM) or the final Version of Record (VoR)
- Licence for manuscript file to be released under from repository
- Link (URL) to the version of the manuscript on the publisher’s website
Postgraduate Research Students
Postgraduate research students wishing to deposit a publication in RIS should note:
If you also have a staff role then you will have access to RIS in order to deposit outputs yourself.
If you have a UoN co-author, the co-author should deposit the output.
If neither of the above methods applies, use the Mediated Deposit Service.