Bridge over water lake with reflection

Transformative agreements


What is a transformative agreement?

Transformative agreements, also referred to as transitional or “read and publish” agreements, are contracts negotiated between institutions and publishers that transform the business model underlying scholarly publishing towards a fully open access model. They represent a further shift away from a subscription-only model to one which covers both subscription payments (the “read” element of the agreement) and article processing charges (the “publish” element). In the UK, negotiations with publishers are led by Jisc Collections, acting on behalf of higher education institutions.

The University of Nottingham has signed a number of transformative agreements with publishers to enable researchers at the University to publish their research open access.

Articles submitted for publication in journals that are part of one of these agreements are not subject to an article processing charge (APC).

The following section provides details about each of the transformative agreements, including links to relevant publisher webpages.

You can also send us an enquiry to find out if your journal of interest is included in a transformative agreement:

Find out if your journal is covered by a transformative agreement (UoN login required)

If your publication is eligible for free open access under the terms of a transformative agreement, you will not need to complete an internal form but we recommend you deposit your accepted manuscript into RIS as soon as possible after acceptance in order to satisfy the deposit requirement of the REF open access policy.
Always check the agreement's terms and conditions to see which journals and article types are covered and to find out if you will be liable for any non-APC charges (for example page or colour charges).
American Chemical Society (ACS)
American Institute of Physics (AIP)
American Meteorological Society (AMS)
American Physical Society (APS)
American Physiological Society (APS)
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
The Company of Biologists
De Gruyter
Elsevier (including Cell Press and The Lancet)
Institute of Physics (IOP)
John Benjamins
Microbiology Society
Oxford University Press (OUP)
Portland Press
Public Library of Science (PLOS)
Rockefeller University Press
Royal Society
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
Society for Neuroscience
Springer Nature
Taylor & Francis
Wolters Kluwer (LWW)
World Scientific

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