
Manage your online researcher profiles

Having and maintaining an online presence brings many benefits for researchers. These include:

  • Showcasing your work inside and outside academia. 
  • Managing your publications list.
  • Avoiding misidentification and ensuring your achievements are correctly attributed to you.
  • Opening up new connections and collaborations.
  • Increasing visibility of your research and the chances of it being cited (research impact).

To increase the reach and impact of your research both within and outside of academia it’s important to think about other communication routes. Social media, for example Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and blogs, provide routes to reach a diverse and wide audience. For more information get in touch with External Relations or your Faculty Marketing contact

Researcher profile tools

There are a number of researcher profile tools but, whichever ones you use, please check them periodically to see if they are up to date.

To learn more about researcher profile tools, book on to the next Managing Your Online Research Profile training session or view the session materials.

Scopus Author ID/Profile
Google Scholar Profile
Publons / Web of Science ResearcherID
RIS Profile (UoN)
eStaff Profile (UoN)
Social and professional networking sites

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