Individual study space - terms and conditions
This page was last updated on 18 August 2022 at 18:56 (GMT)
Check-in to your study space
You must check-in to your booked study space using the check-in code included in your confirmation email. Instructions are displayed at all study spaces.
Check-in within 30 minutes of the start of your booking. Any spaces that haven't been checked-in will be automatically released for others to book.
For back-to-back bookings, please check-in at the start of both sessions.
Click and Study usage conditions
Maximum of two bookings a day.
Only book study spaces for your own use. You may not use your account to book spaces for others.
If you no longer need the space, please cancel using the link in the confirmation email.
Bring your University Card to access the library and be prepared to show your booking confirmation.
If you leave the library during your booking, please take your belongings with you.
At the end of your booked study slot, please leave the space promptly as it may be booked by another user.
Visit Safety on Campus for the latest guidance.
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