Books on a shelf

Libraries and opening times

Our eight libraries and museum are home to a wide range of resources and facilities to support your studies, research and teaching.

About your visit

  • George Green, Djanogly LRC and James Cameron-Gifford libraries will be in 24-hour opening during key times of the year.
  • Don't forget to bring your University Card for entrance to 24-hour libraries after 10pm and to borrow books.
  • Find the nearest hopper bus stop for each library
  • Drop-in and use any non-bookable study space or book online in advance.

Library status


Our spaces

Exterior of Business School South


Business, commerce, economics and finance

Exterior of Music Library

Denis Arnold Music Library

Supporting the Department of Music

Djanogly Learning Resource Centre

Djanogly Learning Resource Centre

Education and computer science resources


George Green Library with 24 hour icon overlaid

George Green Library

Engineering and science resources

Greenfield Medical Library

Greenfield Medical Library

Medicine and health sciences resources

Group of students outside Hallward Library


Arts, humanities and social sciences resources


Students outside James Cameron-Gifford Library with 24 hour icon

James Cameron-Gifford Library

Veterinary medicine and biosciences resources

Manuscripts and Special Collections

Manuscripts and Special Collections

The University's manuscript and archive collections


Museum of Archaeology

Our award-winning museum is free to visit.




University of Nottingham Libraries

King's Meadow Campus
Lenton Lane
Nottingham, NG7 2NR

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