Manuscripts and Special Collections

Lunchtime talks

Audio, video and slides from the lunchtime talks that accompanied the exhibition. These talks were given by guest speakers and recorded in a large auditorium; the use of headphones is recommended.

George Green's Mathematical Influences

George Green was an "almost entirely self-taught mathematical genius" (NM Ferrers, 1871) whose work was a major influence on the mathematical physics of the 19th and 20th centuries and shows no signs of stopping in the 21st. But from where or from whom did Green learn his mathematics?

Peter Rowlett from Nottingham Trent University surveys Green's education in Nottingham and Cambridge and those who influenced him. 

Recorded 12 November 2014.

George Green's contribution to MRI

George Green introduced two mathematical concepts: the idea of a potential energy in physical problems, and a way of calculating it for complex systems using what is now called a Green's function. Both of these ideas, suitably extended, proved central to the Nottingham design of actively screened coils for Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

Audio and slides

Emeritus Professor Roger Bowley of the School of Physics explains how the team used Green's techniques in their work. 

Recorded 21 October 2014.


During the lunchtime talk, Roger Bowley played two videos:

The Effect of Static Charges

Effect of Moving Charges



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Manuscripts and Special Collections

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