Manuscripts and Special Collections

Water Supplies and Sewerage

Nottingham has always been fortunate in its water supplies. Both the Leen and the Trent rivers were originally pure streams, and the town was generously supplied with springs and wells. The springs and wells were sunk in the outcrop of Bunter sandstone on which the town and a large part of the county stand, and which still today provides an enormous underground reservoir of seemingly unlimited capacity.

However, the growth of Nottingham in the mid-19th century led to problems of water supply, drainage and sewerage. One of the most prominent people who worked to improve the situation was the engineer Thomas Hawksley.

These web pages allow you to explore some issues concerning water supply and sanitation in Nottingham, and the career of Thomas Hawksley. They include background information and full-size images of documents and photographs.


Next page: Nottingham's water supply


Manuscripts and Special Collections

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