
Post Research Lesson Discussion

The post-lesson discussion usually occurs immediately after the lesson in the same classroom, so that students’ work is available. Teachers discuss shared experiences and offer different perspectives.

The discussion should be chaired carefully to ensure it does not wander from the main research focus for the lesson.

  • Use the research question to focus on key aspects of the planned lesson.
  • It is important to avoid judgment of the teacher – the lesson is collaboratively planned, so joint responsibility is assumed.
  • The observed teacher should start the discussion. This is an opportunity for them to talk about their perceptions of the lesson and any reasons they had for deviations in the lesson plan.
  • Observers then describe what they saw when observing the students. Discussion focuses on the research question.
  • Comments should be brief-but-vivid accounts of critical incidents based on what was observed, rather than attempting to account for why.
  • Each point made should refer to evidence seen in the lesson. 

Take time to consider ways the materials could be revised. Be cautious about making major changes as the resources have already been trialled. The process of considering how to improve the resources however, should not be omitted. It is a useful means of digging deep into student thinking and engagement. 

Lead teachers from the Maths-for-Life programme discuss the importance of the discussion which takes place after the research lesson, explaining what it offers both the observed teacher and the one who observed the lesson.



Centre for Research in Mathematics Education
School of Education, University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB