School of Medicine
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People in Injury, Recovery, and Inflammation Sciences

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Image of Jonathan Hardman

Jonathan Hardman

Professor & Consultant in Anaesthesia, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences


Research Summary


  • The development, validation and application of physiological and pathological computational models.
  • The development of computational patient-surrogates for research.
  • Respiratory physiology & pathology.
  • Mechanical ventilation of the lungs & ventilator-associated lung injury.
  • Models of cerebrovascular autoregulation.
  • Patient safety & complications during anaesthesia.


  • Development of mathematical models of human physiology & pathology.
  • Computer programming and simulation of theoretical models.


  • The determinants of measured alveolar deadspace.
  • Modelling analyses of protective ventilation of the lungs.
  • Development of a model of cerebrovascular autoregulation.
  • Modelling analysis of apnoea and rescue intervention during severe hypoxaemia.
  • Carbon dioxide retention in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - modelling VQ and drive alterations.

Centre Collaborators

  • Prof. Terence Bennett
  • Dr. Ravi Mahajan

Local Collaborators

  • Prof Dorotht Auer - functional MRI investigation into the conscious state

UK Collaborators

  • Dr Gordon Drummond (Edinburgh)
  • Dr John Henderson (Glasgow)
  • Dr Roger Fletcher (Cheadle)
  • Prof. Oliver Jensen (Nottingham)
  • Dr Malachy Columb (Manchester)

International Collaborators

  • Dr HU Rothen
  • Prof. J Lipman

Selected Publications

School of Medicine

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

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