School of Medicine
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People in Injury, Recovery, and Inflammation Sciences

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Image of Mathew Piasecki

Mathew Piasecki

Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences



My research focus is the age-related remodelling of skeletal muscle motor units; the reduction in motor unit number and corresponding expansion of motor unit size/innervation ratio. Occurring via repeated cycles of fibre denervation and reinnervation, it is evident this compensatory mechanism of axonal sprouting is not always successful and may be influenced by activity levels, thus highlighting the plasticity of the peripheral neuromuscular system. To date these investigations have involved intramuscular EMG at the single motor unit/muscle fibre level combined with in/voluntary contractions, with current work also involving alterations in gene expression and immunohistochemistry data. Among the aims here is to establish imaging biomarkers of age-related neuromuscular dysfunction and associate them with clinically relevant functional outcomes.

Teaching Summary

I teach on a variety of topics on both the Graduate Entry Medical Course and the BSc in Medical Physiology and Therapeutics.

Recent Publications

School of Medicine

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

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