AKIN-AKINYOSOYE K, FROWD N, MARSHALL L, STOCKS J, FERNANDES G, VALDES A, MCWILLIAMS DF, ZHANG W, DOHERTY M, FERGUSON E and WALSH DA, 2018. Traits associated with central pain augmentation in the Knee Pain in the Community (KPIC) cohort. Pain. 159(6), 1035-1044 ZENG C, WEI J, PERSSON MSM, SARMANOVA A, DOHERTY M, XIE D, WANG Y, LI X, LI J, LONG H, LEI G and ZHANG W, 2018. Relative efficacy and safety of topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for osteoarthritis: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials and observational studies. British journal of sports medicine. (In Press.)
ABHISHEK A, DOHERTY M, KUO CF, MALLEN CD, ZHANG W and GRAINGE MJ, 2017. Rheumatoid arthritis is getting less frequent-results of a nationwide population-based cohort study. Rheumatology (Oxford). 56(5), 736-744 MORANDI E, TANASESCU R, TARLINTON RE, CONSTANTINESCU CS, ZHANG W, TENCH C and GRAN B, 2017. The association between human endogenous retroviruses and multiple sclerosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PloS one. 12(2), e0172415 PAPOU A, HUSSAIN S, MCWILLIAMS D, ZHANG W and DOHERTY M, 2017. Responsiveness of SF-36 Health Survey and Patient Generated Index in people with chronic knee pain commenced on oral analgesia: analysis of data from a randomised controlled clinical trial. Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation. 26(3), 761-766 FERNANDES GS, BHATTACHARYA A, MCWILLIAMS DF, INGHAM SL, DOHERTY M and ZHANG W, 2017. Risk prediction model for knee pain in the Nottingham community: a Bayesian modelling approach. Arthritis research & therapy. 19(1), 59 WARNER SC, WALSH DA, LASLETT LL, MACIEWICZ RA, SONI A, HART DJ, ZHANG W, MUIR KR, DENNISON EM, LEAVERTON P, RAMPERSAUD E, COOPER C, SPECTOR TD, CICUTTINI FM, ARDEN NK, JONES G, DOHERTY M and VALDES AM, 2017. Pain in knee osteoarthritis is associated with variation in the neurokinin 1/substance P receptor (TACR1) gene. European journal of pain (London, England). 21(7), 1277-1284 RUNHAAR J, ROZENDAAL RM, MIDDELKOOP MV, BIJLSMA HJW, DOHERTY M, DZIEDZIC KS, LOHMANDER LS, MCALINDON T, ZHANG W and BIERMA ZEINSTRA S, 2017. Subgroup analyses of the effectiveness of oral glucosamine for knee and hip osteoarthritis: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis from the OA trial bank. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. (In Press.)
SAKELLARIOU G, CONAGHAN PG, ZHANG W, BIJLSMA JWJ, BOYESEN P, D'AGOSTINO MA, DOHERTY M, FODOR D, KLOPPENBURG M, MIESE F, NAREDO E, PORCHERET M and IAGNOCCO A, 2017. EULAR recommendations for the use of imaging in the clinical management of peripheral joint osteoarthritis. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. 76(9), 1484-1494 HUI M, CARR A, CAMERON S, DAVENPORT G, DOHERTY M, FORRESTER H, JENKINS W, JORDAN KM, MALLEN CD, MCDONALD TM, NUKI G, PYWELL A, ZHANG W, RODDY E and , 2017. The British Society for Rheumatology Guideline for the Management of Gout. Rheumatology (Oxford, England). 56(7), 1246 HUI M, CARR A, CAMERON S, DAVENPORT G, DOHERTY M, FORRESTER H, JENKINS W, JORDAN KM, MALLEN CD, MCDONALD TM, NUKI G, PYWELL A, ZHANG W, RODDY E and , 2017. The British Society for Rheumatology Guideline for the Management of Gout. Rheumatology (Oxford, England). 56(7), 1056-1059 CHEN X, ZOU K, ABDULLAH N, WHITESIDE N, SARMANOVA A, DOHERTY M and ZHANG W, 2017. The placebo effect and its determinants in fibromyalgia: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Clinical Rheumatology. 36(7), 1623-30 CHANG S-H, KUO C-F, CHOU I-J, SEE L-C, YU K-H, LUO S-F, HUANG L-H, ZHANG W, DOHERTY M, WEN M-S, KUO C-T and YEH Y-H, 2017. Association of a family history of Atrial Fibrillation with incidence and outcomes of atrial fibrillation - a population based family cohort study. JAMA Cardiology. FERNANDES GS, SARMANOVA A, WARNER S, HARVEY H, AKIN-AKINYOSOYE K, RICHARDSON H, FROWD N, MARSHALL L, STOCKS J, HALL M, VALDES AM, WALSH D, ZHANG W and DOHERTY M, 2017. Knee pain and related health in the community study (KPIC): a cohort study protocol. BMC musculoskeletal disorders. 18(1), 404 ZHANG W and DOHERTY M, 2017. Efficacy paradox and proportional contextual effect (PCE). Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.). (In Press.)
RUNHAAR J, ROZENDAAL RM, VAN MIDDELKOOP M, BIJLSMA HJW, DOHERTY M, DZIEDZIC KS, LOHMANDER LS, MCALINDON T, ZHANG W and BIERMA ZEINSTRA S, 2017. Response to: 'Different glucosamine sulfate products generate different outcomes on osteoarthritis symptoms' by Reginster et al. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. (In Press.)
CHANG SH, KUO CF, CHOU IJ, SEE LC, YU KH, LUO SF, HUANG LH, ZHANG W, DOHERTY M, WEN MS, KUO CT and YEH YH, 2017. Association of a Family History of Atrial Fibrillation With Incidence and Outcomes of Atrial Fibrillation: A Population-Based Family Cohort Study. JAMA cardiology. 2(8), 863-870 WU HH, KUO CF, LI IJ, WENG CH, LEE CC, TU KH, LIU SH, CHEN YC, YANG CW, LUO SF, SEE LC, YU KH, HUANG LH, ZHANG W, DOHERTY M and TIAN YC, 2017. Family Aggregation and Heritability of ESRD in Taiwan: A Population-Based Study. American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation. (In Press.)
HUI M, CARR A, CAMERON S, DAVENPORT G, DOHERTY M, FORRESTER H, JENKINS W, JORDAN KM, MALLEN CD, MCDONALD TM, NUKI G, PYWELL A, ZHANG W, RODDY E and , 2017. The British Society for Rheumatology Guideline for the Management of Gout. Rheumatology (Oxford, England). 56(7), e1-e20 CHANG SH, KUO CF, CHOU IJ, SEE LC, YU KH, LUO SF, CHIOU MJ, ZHANG W, DOHERTY M, WEN MS, CHEN WJ and YEH YH, 2017. Outcomes Associated With Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia During Pregnancy. Circulation. 135(6), 616-618 MCWILLIAMS DF, MARSHALL M, JAYAKUMAR K, DOHERTY S, DOHERTY M, ZHANG W, KIELY PD, YOUNG A and WALSH DA, 2016. Erosive and osteoarthritic structural progression in early rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatology (Oxford). VAN MIDDELKOOP, M.A, ARDEN, N.K.B C D, ATCHIA, I.E, BIRRELL, F.E, CHAO, J.F, REZENDE, M.U.G, LAMBERT, R.G.W.H, RAVAUD, P.I, BIJLSMA, J.W.J, DOHERTY, M.K, DZIEDZIC, K.S.L, LOHMANDER, L.S.M N, MCALINDON, T.E.O, ZHANG, W.K and BIERMA-ZEINSTRA, S.M.A.A, 2016. The OA Trial Bank: Meta-analysis of individual patient data from knee and hip osteoarthritis trials show that patients with severe pain exhibit greater benefit from intra-articular glucocorticoids Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 24(7), 1143-1152 KUO, C.-F.A B, GRAINGE, M.J.C, MALLEN, C.D, ZHANG, W.A and DOHERTY, M.A, 2016. Impact of gout on the risk of atrial fibrillation Rheumatology (United Kingdom). 55(4), 721-728 KUO, C.-F.A B, GRAINGE, M.J.C, MALLEN, C.D, ZHANG, W.A E and DOHERTY, M.A, 2016. Comorbidities in patients with gout prior to and following diagnosis: Case-control study Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 75(1), 210-217 MU, R.A, BAO, C.-D.B, CHEN, Z.-W.C, ZHENG, Y.D, WANG, G.-C.E, ZHAO, D.-B.F, HU, S.-X.G, LI, Y.-J.H, SHAO, Z.-W.I, ZHANG, Z.-Y.J, XIAO, W.-G.K, ZHANG, W.L and LI, Z.-G.A, 2016. Efficacy and safety of loxoprofen hydrogel patch versus loxoprofen tablet in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial Clinical Rheumatology. 35(1), 165-173 VALDES AM, MANON-JENSEN T, ABHISHEK A, JENKINS W, SIEBUHR AS, KARSDAL MA, DOHERTY S, ZHANG W, RICHARDSON H, DOHERTY M and BAY-JENSEN AC, 2016. Intercritical circulating levels of neo-epitopes reflecting matrixmetalloprotease-driven degradation as markers of gout and frequent gout attacks. Rheumatology (Oxford, England). 55(9), 1642-6 CHOU IJ, KUO CF, HUANG YS, GRAINGE MJ, VALDES AM, SEE LC, YU KH, LUO SF, HUANG LS, TSENG WY, ZHANG W and DOHERTY M, 2016. Familial Aggregation and Heritability of Schizophrenia and Co-aggregation of Psychiatric Illnesses in Affected Families. Schizophrenia bulletin. FU, Y, PERSSON MSM, BHATTACHARYA A, GOH SL, STOCKS J, VAN MIDDELKOOP M, BIERMA-ZEINSTRA SM, WALSH D, DOHERTY M and ZHANG W, 2016. Identifying placebo responders and predictors of response in osteoarthritis: a protocol for individual patient data meta-analysis. Systematic reviews. 5(1), 183 MCWILLIAMS DF, MARSHALL M, JAYAKUMAR K, DOHERTY S, DOHERTY M, ZHANG W, KIELY PD, YOUNG A and WALSH DA, 2016. Erosive and osteoarthritic structural progression in early rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford, England). 55(8), 1477-88 CASTAÑO-BETANCOURT MC, EVANS DS, RAMOS YF, BOER CG, METRUSTRY S, LIU Y, DEN HOLLANDER W, VAN ROOIJ J, KRAUS VB, YAU MS, MITCHELL BD, MUIR K, HOFMAN A, DOHERTY M, DOHERTY S, ZHANG W, KRAAIJ R, RIVADENEIRA F, BARRETT-CONNOR E, MACIEWICZ RA, ARDEN N, NELISSEN RG, KLOPPENBURG M, JORDAN JM, NEVITT MC, SLAGBOOM EP, HART DJ, LAFEBER F, STYRKARSDOTTIR U, ZEGGINI E, EVANGELOU E, SPECTOR TD, UITTERLINDEN AG, LANE NE, MEULENBELT I, VALDES AM and VAN MEURS JB, 2016. Novel Genetic Variants for Cartilage Thickness and Hip Osteoarthritis. 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Arthritis research & therapy. 17, 13 KUO, C.-F.A, GRAINGE, M.J.B, MALLEN, C.C, ZHANG, W.D and DOHERTY, M.E, 2015. Effect of allopurinol on all-cause mortality in adults with incident gout: propensity score-matched landmark analysis Rheumatology (Oxford, England). 54(12), 2145-2150 KUO CF, GRAINGE MJ, VALDES AM, SEE LC, LUO SF, YU KH, ZHANG W and DOHERTY M, 2015. Familial Aggregation of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Coaggregation of Autoimmune Diseases in Affected Families JAMA Internal Medicine. 175(9), 1518-1526 VALDES AM, ZHANG W, MUIR K, MACIEWICZ RA, DOHERTY S and DOHERTY M, 2014. Use of statins is associated with a lower prevalence of generalised osteoarthritis. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. 73(5), 943-5 ZHU Z, JIN X, ZHANG W, CHEN M, YE D, ZHAI Y, DONG F, SHEN C and DING C, 2014. Associations between vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and osteoarthritis: an updated meta-analysis. Rheumatology (Oxford, England). (In Press.)
REES F, DOHERTY M, GRAINGE M, DAVENPORT G, LANYON P and ZHANG W, 2014. The incidence and prevalence of systemic lupus erythematosus in the UK, 1999-2012. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. (In Press.)
BARTELS EM, FOLMER VN, BLIDDAL H, ALTMAN RD, JUHL C, TARP S, ZHANG W and CHRISTENSEN R, 2014. Efficacy and safety of ginger in osteoarthritis patients: A meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials. Osteoarthritis and cartilage / OARS, Osteoarthritis Research Society. (In Press.)
MCWILLIAMS DF, MUTHURI S, MUIR KR, MACIEWICZ RA, ZHANG W and DOHERTY M, 2014. Self-reported adult footwear and the risks of lower limb osteoarthritis: the GOAL case control study. BMC musculoskeletal disorders. 15, 308 KUO C, GRAINGE MJ, MALLEN C, ZHANG W and DOHERTY M, 2014. Comorbidities in patients with gout prior to and following diagnosis: case-control study. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. (In Press.)
ZOU K and ZHANG W, 2013. Which systematic review should we follow? Rheumatology (Oxford, England). 52(5), 763-764 VALDES AM, DOHERTY SA, MUIR KR, WHEELER M, MACIEWICZ RA, ZHANG W and DOHERTY M, 2013. The genetic contribution to severe post-traumatic osteoarthritis. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. 72, 1687-90 PEARCE F, HUI M, DING C, DOHERTY M and ZHANG W, 2013. Does smoking reduce the progression of osteoarthritis? Meta-analysis of observational studies. Arthritis care & research. 65(7), 1026-33 NEOGI T, SONI A, DOHERTY SA, LASLETT LL, MACIEWICZ RA, HART DJ, ZHANG W, MUIR KR, WHEELER M, COOPER C, SPECTOR TD, CICUTTINI F, JONES G, NEVITT M, LIU Y, ARDEN NK, DOHERTY M and VALDES AM, 2013. Contribution of the COMT Val158Met variant to symptomatic knee osteoarthritis. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. (In Press.)
PANOUTSOPOULOU K, METRUSTRY S, DOHERTY SA, LASLETT LL, MACIEWICZ RA, HART DJ, ZHANG W, MUIR KR, WHEELER M, COOPER C, SPECTOR TD, CICUTTINI FM, JONES G, ARDEN NK, DOHERTY M, ZEGGINI E, VALDES AM and ARCOGEN CONSORTIUM, 2013. The effect of FTO variation on increased osteoarthritis risk is mediated through body mass index: a mendelian randomisation study. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. (In Press.)
KUO C, GRAINGE MJ, SEE L, YU K, LUO S, VALDES AM, ZHANG W and DOHERTY M, 2013. Familial aggregation of gout and relative genetic and environmental contributions: a nationwide population study in Taiwan. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. (In Press.)
JIN X, BEGUERIE JR, ZHANG W, BLIZZARD L, OTAHAL P, JONES G and DING C, 2013. Circulating C reactive protein in osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. (In Press.)
ZHANG W, LEONARD T, BATH-HEXTALL FJ, CHAMBERS C, LEE C, HUMPHREYS R and WILLIAMS HC, 2013. WITHDRAWN: Chinese herbal medicine for atopic eczema. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 9, CD002291 GU S, YANG AWH, XUE CCL, LI CG, PANG C, ZHANG W and WILLIAMS HC, 2013. Chinese herbal medicine for atopic eczema. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 9, CD008642 MALFAIT A, SEYMOUR AB, GAO F, TORTORELLA MD, LE GRAVERAND-GASTINEAU MH, WOOD LS, DOHERTY M, DOHERTY S, ZHANG W, ARDEN NK, VAUGHN FL, LEAVERTON PE, SPECTOR TD, HART DJ, MACIEWICZ RA, MUIR KR, DAS R, SORGE RE, SOTOCINAL SG, SCHORSCHER-PETCU A, VALDES AM and MOGIL JS, 2012. A role for PACE4 in osteoarthritis pain: evidence from human genetic association and null mutant phenotype. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. 71(6), 1042-8 MENASHE L, HIRKO K, LOSINA E, KLOPPENBURG M, ZHANG W, LI L and HUNTER DJ, 2012. The Diagnostic Performance Of Mri In Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis. Osteoarthritis And Cartilage / Oars, Osteoarthritis Research Society. 20(1), 13-21 REES, F., DOHERTY, S., HUI, M., MACIEWICZ, R., MUIR, K., ZHANG, W. and DOHERTY, M., 2012. Distribution of finger nodes and their association with underlying radiographic features of osteoarthritis. Arthritis Care and Research. 64(4), 533-38 ABHISHEK A, DOHERTY S, MACIEWICZ R, MUIR K, ZHANG W and DOHERTY M, 2012. Chondrocalcinosis is common in the absence of knee involvement. Arthritis research & therapy. 14(5), R205 MCWILLIAMS DF, ZHANG W, MANSELL JS, KIELY PDW, YOUNG A and WALSH DA, 2012. Predictors of change in bodily pain in early rheumatoid arthritis: an inception cohort study. Arthritis care & research. 64(10), 1505-13 VALDES AM, DOHERTY S, MUIR KR, ZHANG W, MACIEWICZ RA, WHEELER M, ARDEN N, COOPER C and DOHERTY M, 2012. Genetic contribution to radiographic severity in osteoarthritis of the knee. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. 71(9), 1537-40 SUOKAS AK, WALSH DA, MCWILLIAMS DF, CONDON L, MORETON B, WYLDE V, ARENDT-NIELSEN L and ZHANG W, 2012. Quantitative sensory testing in painful osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Osteoarthritis and cartilage / oars, osteoarthritis research society. 20(10), 1075-85 REES F, DOHERTY S, HUI M, MACIEWICZ R, MUIR K, ZHANG W and DOHERTY M, 2012. Distribution of finger nodes and their association with underlying radiographic features of osteoarthritis. Arthritis care & research. 64(4), 533-8 CASTAÑO BETANCOURT MC, CAILOTTO F, KERKHOF HJ, CORNELIS FMF, DOHERTY SA, HART DJ, HOFMAN A, LUYTEN FP, MACIEWICZ RA, MANGINO M, METRUSTRY S, MUIR K, PETERS MJ, RIVADENEIRA F, WHEELER M, ZHANG W, ARDEN N, SPECTOR TD, UITTERLINDEN AG, DOHERTY M, LORIES RJU, VALDES AM and VAN MEURS JBJ, 2012. Genome-wide association and functional studies identify the DOT1L gene to be involved in cartilage thickness and hip osteoarthritis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109(21), 8218-23 VALDES, A.M., EVANGELOU, E., KERKHOF, H.J.M., TAMM, A., DOHERTY, S.A., KISAND, K., TAMM, A., KERNA, I., UITTERLINDEN, A., HOFMAN, A., RIVADENEIRA, F., COOPER, C., DENNISON, E.M., ZHANG, W. and MUIR, K.R., 2011. The GDF5 rs143383 polymorphism is associated with osteoarthritis of the knee with genome-wide statistical significance Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 70(5), 873-875 MCWILLIAMS DF, LEEB BF, MUTHURI SG, DOHERTY M and ZHANG W, 2011. Occupational risk factors for osteoarthritis of the knee: a meta-analysis. Osteoarthritis and cartilage / OARS, Osteoarthritis Research Society. 19(7), 829-39 ZHANG, W., MCWILLIAMS, D.F., INGHAM, S.L., DOHERTY, S.A., MUTHURI, S., MUIR, K.R. and DOHERTY, M., 2011. Nottingham knee osteoarthritis risk prediction models Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 70(9), 1599-1604 MUTHURI SG, MCWILLIAMS DF, DOHERTY M and ZHANG W, 2011. History Of Knee Injuries And Knee Osteoarthritis: A Meta-Analysis Of Observational Studies. Osteoarthritis And Cartilage / Oars, Osteoarthritis Research Society. 19(11), 1286-93 HUNTER DJ, ARDEN N, CONAGHAN PG, ECKSTEIN F, GOLD G, GRAINGER A, GUERMAZI A, HARVEY W, JONES G, HELLIO LE GRAVERAND MP, LAREDO JD, LO G, LOSINA E, MOSHER TJ, ROEMER F, ZHANG W and OARSI OA IMAGING WORKING GROUP, 2011. Definition Of Osteoarthritis On Mri: Results Of A Delphi Exercise. Osteoarthritis And Cartilage / Oars, Osteoarthritis Research Society. 19(8), 963-9 HUI, M., DOHERTY, M. and ZHANG, W., 2011. Does smoking protect against osteoarthritis? Meta-analysis of observational studies Annals of the rheumatic diseases. 70(7), 1231-1237 JORDAN JM, SOWERS MF, MESSIER SP, BRADLEY J, ARANGIO G, KATZ JN, LOSINA E, ROVATI L, BACHTELL N, COOPER C, SPECTOR T, ZHANG W, GARDINER J and WAHBA M, 2011. Methodologic Issues In Clinical Trials For Prevention Or Risk Reduction In Osteoarthritis. 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Osteoarthritis and cartilage / OARS, Osteoarthritis Research Society. 19(3), 265-71 EVANGELOU E, VALDES AM, KERKHOF HJM, STYRKARSDOTTIR U, ZHU Y, MEULENBELT I, LORIES RJ, KARASSA FB, TYLZANOWSKI P, BOS SD, ARCOGEN CONSORTIUM, AKUNE T, ARDEN NK, CARR A, CHAPMAN K, CUPPLES LA, DAI J, DELOUKAS P, DOHERTY M, DOHERTY S, ENGSTROM G, GONZALEZ A, HALLDORSSON BV, HAMMOND CL, HART DJ, HELGADOTTIR H, HOFMAN A, IKEGAWA S, INGVARSSON T, JIANG Q, JONSSON H, KAPRIO J, KAWAGUCHI H, KISAND K, KLOPPENBURG M, KUJALA UM, LOHMANDER LS, LOUGHLIN J, LUYTEN FP, MABUCHI A, MCCASKIE A, NAKAJIMA M, NILSSON PM, NISHIDA N, OLLIER WER, PANOUTSOPOULOU K, VAN DE PUTTE T, RALSTON SH, RIVADENEIRA F, SAARELA J, SCHULTE-MERKER S, SHI D, SLAGBOOM PE, SUDO A, TAMM A, TAMM A, THORLEIFSSON G, THORSTEINSDOTTIR U, TSEZOU A, WALLIS GA, WILKINSON JM, YOSHIMURA N, ZEGGINI E, ZHAI G, ZHANG F, JONSDOTTIR I, UITTERLINDEN AG, FELSON DT, VAN MEURS JB, STEFANSSON K, IOANNIDIS JPA, SPECTOR TD and TRANSLATION RESEARCH IN EUROPE APPLIED TECHNOLOGIES FOR OSTEOARTHRITIS (TREATOA), 2011. Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies confirms a susceptibility locus for knee osteoarthritis on chromosome 7q22. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. 70(2), 349-55 HOLLIDAY KL, MCWILLIAMS DF, MACIEWICZ RA, MUIR KR, ZHANG W and DOHERTY M, 2011. Lifetime Body Mass Index, Other Anthropometric Measures Of Obesity And Risk Of Knee Or Hip Osteoarthritis In The Goal Case-Control Study. Osteoarthritis And Cartilage / Oars, Osteoarthritis Research Society. 19(1), 37-43 VALDES AM, ARDEN NK, VAUGHN FL, DOHERTY SA, LEAVERTON PE, ZHANG W, MUIR KR, RAMPERSAUD E, DENNISON EM, EDWARDS MH, JAMESON KA, JAVAID MK, SPECTOR TD, COOPER C, MACIEWICZ RA and DOHERTY M, 2011. Role of the Nav1.7 R1150W amino acid change in susceptibility to symptomatic knee osteoarthritis and multiple regional pain. Arthritis care & research. 63(3), 440-4 MCWILLIAMS, DF, LEEB, BF, MUTHURI, SG, DOHERTY, M and ZHANG, W, 2011. Occupational Risk Factors For Osteoarthritis Of The Knee: A Meta-Analysis Osteoarthritis And Cartilage. 19(7), 829-839 VALDES, AM, ARDEN, NK, VAUGHN, FL, DOHERTY, SA, LEAVERTON, PE, ZHANG, WY, MUIR, KR, RAMPERSAUD, E, DENNISON, EM, EDWARDS, MH, JAMESON, KA, JAVAID, MK, SPECTOR, TD, COOPER, C, MACIEWICZ, RA and DOHERTY, M, 2011. Role Of The Na(V)1.7 R1150w Amino Acid Change In Susceptibility To Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis And Multiple Regional Pain Arthritis Care & Research. 63(3), 440-444 VALDES, A.M., DE WILDE, G., DOHERTY, S.A., LORIES, R.J., VAUGHN, F.L., LASLETT, L.L., MACIEWICZ, R.A., SONI, A., HART, D.J., ZHANG, W., MUIR, K.R., DENNISON, E.M., WHEELER, M., LEAVERTON, P., COOPER, C., SPECTOR, T.D., CICUTTINI, F.M., CHAPMAN, V., JONES, G., ARDEN, N.K. and DOHERTY, M., 2011. The IIe585Val TRPV1 variant is involved in risk of painful knee osteoarthritis Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 70(9), 1556-1561 ABHISHEK, A., DOHERTY, S., MACIEWICZ, R.A., MUIR, K.R., ZHANG, W. and DOHERTY, M., 2011. Self-reported knee mal-alignment in early adult life as an independent risk for knee chondrocalcinosis. Arthritis Care and Research. 63, 1550-7 DAY-WILLIAMS AG, SOUTHAM L, PANOUTSOPOULOU K, RAYNER NW, ESKO T, ESTRADA K, HELGADOTTIR HT, HOFMAN A, INGVARSSON T, JONSSON H, KEIS A, KERKHOF HJM, THORLEIFSSON G, ARDEN NK, CARR A, CHAPMAN K, DELOUKAS P, LOUGHLIN J, MCCASKIE A, OLLIER WER, RALSTON SH, SPECTOR TD, WALLIS GA, WILKINSON JM, ASLAM N, BIRELL F, CARLUKE I, JOSEPH J, RAI A, REED M, WALKER K, ARCOGEN CONSORTIUM, DOHERTY SA, JONSDOTTIR I, MACIEWICZ RA, MUIR KR, METSPALU A, RIVADENEIRA F, STEFANSSON K, STYRKARSDOTTIR U, UITTERLINDEN AG, VAN MEURS JBJ, ZHANG W, VALDES AM, DOHERTY M and ZEGGINI E, 2011. A variant in MCF2L is associated with osteoarthritis. 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Arthritis care & research. 63(11), 1550-7 MCWILLIAMS, D.F., DOHERTY, S.A., JENKINS, W.D., MACIEWICZ, R.A., MUIR, K.R., ZHANG, W. and DOHERTY, M., 2010. Mild acetabular dysplasia and risk of osteoarthritis of the hip: a case control study Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 69(10), 1774-1778 INGHAM, S., MOODY, A., ABHISHEK, A., DOHERTY, S., ZHANG, W. and DOHERTY, M., 2010. Development and validation of self-reported line drawings for assessment of knee malalignment and foot rotation BMC Medical Research Methodology. 10, 57 ZHANG, W., NUKI, G., MOSKOWITZ, R.W., ABRAMSON, S., ALTMAN, R.D., ARDEN, N.K., BIERMA-ZEINSTRA, S., BRANDT, K.D., CROFT, P., DOHERTY, M., DOUGADOS, M., HOCHBERG, M., HUNTER, D.J., KWOH, K. and LOHMANDER,, 2010. OARSI Recommendations for the management of hip and knee osteoarthritis. Part 3: Changes in evidence following systematic cumulative update of research published through January 2009. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 18, 476-99 ZHANG, W., DOHERTY, M., PEAT, G., BIERMA-ZEINSTRA, M.A., ARDEN, N.K., BRESNIHAN, B., HERRERO-BEAUMONT, G., KIRSCHNER, S., LEEB, B.F., LOHMANDER, L.S., MAZIÈRES, B., PAVELKA, K., PUNZI, L., SO, A. and TUNCER, T., 2010. EULAR evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 69(3), 483-489 MCWILLIAMS, D.F., DOHERTY, S., MACIEWICZ, R.A., MUIR, K.R., ZHANG, W. and DOHERTY, M., 2010. Self-reported knee and foot alignments in early adult life and risk of osteoarthritis Arthritis Care and Research. 62(4), 489-495 BARTELS, E.M., BLIDDAL, H., SCHNDORFF, P.K., ALTMAN, R.D., ZHANG, W. and CHRISTENSEN, R., 2010. Symptomatic efficacy and safety of diacerein in the treatment of osteoarthritis: a meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 18(3), 289-296 ZHANG, W., DOHERTY, M and CROFT, P., 2010. 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ABHISHEK, A., BUTT, S., GADSBY, K., ZHANG, W. and ET AL, 2010. Anti-TNF-alpha agents are less effective for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in current smokers Journal of Clinical Rheumatology. 16(1), 15-18 VALDES, A.M., MCWILLIAMS, D., ARDEN, N.K., DOHERTY, S.A., WHEELER, M., MUIR, K.R., ZHANG, W., COOPER, C., MACIEWICZ, R.A. and DOHERTY, M., 2010. Different risk factors are involved in clinically severe large joint osteoarthritis according to the presence of hand interphalangeal nodes Arthritis Rheum [Epub ahead of print]. VALDES AM, MCWILLIAMS D, ARDEN NK, DOHERTY SA, WHEELER M, MUIR KR, ZHANG W, COOPER C, MACIEWICZ RA and DOHERTY M, 2010. Involvement of different risk factors in clinically severe large joint osteoarthritis according to the presence of hand interphalangeal nodes. Arthritis and rheumatism. 62(9), 2688-95 MCWILLIAMS DF, DOHERTY S, MACIEWICZ RA, MUIR KR, ZHANG W and DOHERTY M, 2010. 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A genome-wide association study identifies an osteoarthritis susceptibility locus on chromosome 7q22. Arthritis and rheumatism. 62(2), 499-510 HASTINGS R, DING T, BUTT S, GADSBY K, ZHANG W, MOOTS RJ and DEIGHTON C, 2010. Neutropenia in patients receiving anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy. Arthritis care & research. 62(6), 764-9 BARTELS EM, BLIDDAL H, SCHØNDORFF PK, ALTMAN RD, ZHANG W and CHRISTENSEN R, 2010. Symptomatic efficacy and safety of diacerein in the treatment of osteoarthritis: a meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials. Osteoarthritis and cartilage / OARS, Osteoarthritis Research Society. 18(3), 289-96 ZHANG W, 2010. Risk factors of knee osteoarthritis--excellent evidence but little has been done. Osteoarthritis and cartilage / OARS, Osteoarthritis Research Society. 18(1), 1-2 MCWILLIAMS DF, DOHERTY SA, JENKINS WD, MACIEWICZ RA, MUIR KR, ZHANG W and DOHERTY M, 2010. Mild acetabular dysplasia and risk of osteoarthritis of the hip: a case-control study. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. 69(10), 1774-8 ZHANG W, NUKI G, MOSKOWITZ RW, ABRAMSON S, ALTMAN RD, ARDEN NK, BIERMA-ZEINSTRA S, BRANDT KD, CROFT P, DOHERTY M, DOUGADOS M, HOCHBERG M, HUNTER DJ, KWOH K, LOHMANDER LS and TUGWELL P, 2010. OARSI recommendations for the management of hip and knee osteoarthritis: part III: Changes in evidence following systematic cumulative update of research published through January 2009. Osteoarthritis and cartilage / OARS, Osteoarthritis Research Society. 18(4), 476-99 ZHANG W, DOHERTY M, PEAT G, BIERMA-ZEINSTRA MA, ARDEN NK, BRESNIHAN B, HERRERO-BEAUMONT G, KIRSCHNER S, LEEB BF, LOHMANDER LS, MAZIÈRES B, PAVELKA K, PUNZI L, SO AK, TUNCER T, WATT I and BIJLSMA JW, 2010. EULAR evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. 69(3), 483-9 LIMER, K., TOSH, K., BUJAC, S., MCCONNELL, R., DOHERTY, S., NYBERG, F., ZHANG, W., DOHERTY, M., MUIR, K. and MACIEWICZ, R., 2009. Attempt to replicate published genetic associations in a large, well-defined osteoarthritis case-control population (the GOAL study). Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 17(6), 782-789 LUND, H., CHRISTENSEN, R., JUHL, C., ANDERSEN, B., ZHANG, W. and ROOS, E., 2009. EXERCISE IN KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS - OPENING THE BLACK BOX: AN EXPLORATORY META-ANALYSIS Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. S275 ZHANG,W., DOHERTY,M., LEEB,B., ALEKSEEVA,L., ARDEN,N., BIJLSMA,J., DINCER,F., DZIEDZIC,K., HAUSELMANN,H., KAKLAMANIS,P., KLOPPENBURG,M., LOHMANDER,S,, MAHEU,E., MARTÍN-MOLA,E., PAVELKA,K., PUNZI,L, REITER,S., SMOLEN, VERBRUGGEN, WATT and ZIMMERMANN-GORSKA, 2009. EULAR evidence based recommendations for the diagnosis of hand osteoarthritis - report of a task force of the EULAR Standing Committee for International Clinical Studies Including Therapeutics (ESCISIT). Annals of the rheumatic diseases. 68(1), 8-17 LIMER KL, TOSH K, BUJAC SR, MCCONNELL R, DOHERTY S, NYBERG F, ZHANG W, DOHERTY M, MUIR KR and MACIEWICZ RA, 2009. Attempt to replicate published genetic associations in a large, well-defined osteoarthritis case-control population (the GOAL study). Osteoarthritis and cartilage / OARS, Osteoarthritis Research Society. 17(6), 782-9 RODDY E, ZHANG W and DOHERTY M, 2008. Gout and nodal osteoarthritis: a case-control study. Rheumatology (Oxford, England). 47(5), 732-3 RODDY, E., ZHANG, W. and DOHERTY, M., 2008. Prevalence and associations of hallux valgus in a primary care population. Arthritis Care and Research. 59, 857-62 ZHANG, W., ROBERTSON, J., JONES, A.C., DIEPPE, P.A. and DOHERTY, M., 2008. The placebo effect and its determinants in osteoarthritis: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 67(12), 1716-1723 NUKI, G., MOSKOWITZ, R. and ZHANG, W., 2008. OARSI AND NICE: ARE THEY BETTER THAN PREVIOUS GUIDELINES? Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 16, S1 DOHERTY, M., COURTNEY, P., DOHERTY, S., JENKINS, W., MACIEWICZ, R.A., MUIR, K. and ZHANG, W., 2008. Nonspherical femoral head shape (pistol grip deformity), neck shaft angle, and risk of hip osteoarthritis: a case-control study Arthritis Rheum. 58(10), 3172-3182 ZHANG, W., MOSKOWITZ, R.W., NUKI, G., ABRAMSON, S., ALTMAN, R.D., ARDEN, N., BIERMA-ZEINSTRA, S., BRANDT, K.D., CROFT, P., DOHERTY, M., DOUGADOS, M., HOCHBERG, M., HUNTER, D.J., KWOH, K. and LOHMANDER, L, 2008. OARSI recommendations for the management of hip and knee osteoarthritis, Part II: OARSI evidence-based, expert consensus guidelines Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 16(2), 137-162 ROBERTSON, J., ZHANG, W., LIU, J.J., MUIR, K.R., MACIEWICZ, R.A. and DOHERTY, M., 2008. Radiographic assessment of the index to ring finger ratio (2D:4D) in adults Journal of Anatomy. 212(1), 42-48 ZHANG, W., ROBERTSON, J., DOHERTY, S., LIU, J.J., MACIEWICZ, R.A., MUIR, K.R. and DOHERTY, M., 2008. Index to ring finger length ratio and the risk of osteoarthritis Arthritis & Rheumatism. 58(1), 137-144 RODDY, E., ZHANG, W. and DOHERTY, M., 2008. Gout and nodal osteoarthritis: a case-control study Rheumatology (Oxford). 47(5), 732-733 ZHANG, W. and MOSKOWITZ, R.W., 2008. NEW EVIDENCE 2006 to 2008: WHAT IMPACT ON CURRENT RECOMMENDATIONS? Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 16, S1 ZHANG W, MOSKOWITZ RW, NUKI G, ABRAMSON S, ALTMAN RD, ARDEN N, BIERMA-ZEINSTRA S, BRANDT KD, CROFT P, DOHERTY M, DOUGADOS M, HOCHBERG M, HUNTER DJ, KWOH K, LOHMANDER LS and TUGWELL P, 2008. OARSI recommendations for the management of hip and knee osteoarthritis, Part II: OARSI evidence-based, expert consensus guidelines. 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ZHANG,W, DOHERTY,M, LEEB,B, ALEKSEEVA,L, ARDEN,N, BIJLSMA,H, DINCER,F, DZIEDZIC,K, HÄUSELMANN, H, HERRERO-BEAUMONT,G, KAKLAMANIS,P, LOHMANDER,S, MAHEU,E, MARTÍN-MOLA,E, PAVELKA,K, PUNZI,L, REITER, S, SMOLEN and VERBRUGGEN, WATT, ZHANG, ZIMMERMANN-GORSKA, 2007. Eular evidence based recommendations for the management of hand osteoarthritis: Report of a Task Force of the Eular Standing Committee for International Clinical Studies Including Therapeutics(ESCISIT). Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 66(3), 377-388 ZHANG, W., 2007. NSAIDs and pain management in sports.. In: MACAULEY, D. and BEST, T., eds., Evidence Based Sports Medicine Oxford Blackwell Publishing. 222-240
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BJORDAL, J.M., LJUNGGREN, A.E., KLOVNING, A., SLORDAL, L., DOHERTY, M. and ZHANG, W., 2005. NSAIDs, including coxibs, probably do more harm than good, and paracetamol is ineffective for hip OA * Authors' reply Ann Rheum Dis. 64(4), 655-65a THAPER A, ZHANG W, WRIGHT G and DOHERTY M, 2005. Relationship between Heberden's nodes and underlying radiographic changes of osteoarthritis. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. 64(8), 1214-6 RODDY E, ZHANG W and DOHERTY M, 2005. Home based exercise for osteoarthritis. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. 64(1), 170; author reply 170-1
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