School of Medicine

Why Nottingham?

We carry out world-leading research and provide outstanding research supervision and education in a wide range of subjects.

Wide-ranging research opportunities

We offer postgraduate research opportunities for:

  • PhD
  • DM
  • DClinPsy
  • DForenPsy
  • MPhil
  • MRes

These are available to students who have graduated in a wide variety of undergraduate and postgraduate subjects. These have included microbiology, statistics, mathematics, science, geography, psychology and medicine.

Self-funded PhD projects

Funded studentships

Explore our research areas

Training opportunities

Postgraduate research students in the School of Medicine undertake a programme of formal training. This helps enhance their research and career development, which is tailored to their individual needs.

Students have the opportunity to attend national and international conferences and external training courses. Funding is supported by a dedicated doctoral student development and activity fund.

Find out more about the Researcher Academy


Mentoring and peer support

The School of Medicine is committed to providing support to PhD students across the course of their research studies. 

Peer support groups have been established to help students in all years of their studies. These usually cover issues such as tips for writing up and preparing for the viva. The topics are determined by the students in the group.

PhD students entering their second year of full-time study (or equivalent for part-time students) are encouraged to sign up to the formal Mentoring Scheme. This offers one to one mentoring by a trained member of staff.

Links with the Queen's Medical Centre (QMC) and NHS partners

The diverse and collaborative nature of our research and association with the QMC creates wonderful opportunities for our students. As one of the largest teaching hospitals in the UK it provides access to extensive specialist research facilities. Students will also have access to leading academics and clinicians.

Learn more about our NHS partnerships

School of Medicine

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

Contacts: Call 0115 823 0031 ext.30031 or please see our 'contact us' page for further details