Press releases

UK study will evaluate the pressure of COVID on working-class women

A new study by social inequality experts, led by the University of Nottingham, will examine the effects of COVID-19 on the burden of work for working-class women in the UK.

A graduation without borders

Nottingham celebrates with 10,000 global graduates

New study to assess how COVID has impacted waste sector and its workforce

A new study to investigate how COVID-19 has affected the UK waste sector has been launched.

Food Innovation Centre raises a glass to the brewing sector with new support scheme

Food scientists have stepped up to the bar to help local brewers boost their productivity. The Food Innovation Centre, in conjunction with the International Centre for Brewing Science, which are both based at the University of Nottingham, has identified three key issues which can be a barrier to growth for small and medium-sized brewers.

Experts come together to push forward innovation in clinical rehabilitation

A consortium of experts at the National Rehabilitation Centre will pioneer new techniques and technologies for the rehabilitation of the seriously ill and injured.
A consortium of experts at the National Rehabilitation Centre will pioneer new techniques and technologies for the rehabilitation of the seriously ill and injured.

Nottingham expert to play key role in ground-breaking new study into long-term health impacts of coronavirus

A major UK research study into the long-term health impacts of COVID-19 on hospitalised patients has been launched.
A major UK research study into the long-term health impacts of COVID-19 on hospitalised patients has been launched.

Don’t follow the ‘Lone Wolf’ – new study warns of misinformation about opt-out organ donation

A new study has warned of the power of a type of behaviour dubbed the ‘lone wolf’ effect which could result in people ‘opting out’ of supporting organ donation.

Student architects showcase their sustainable living designs in end-of-year exhibition

Study looks to understand the prevalence of COVID-19 in children and teenagers

A new study will be vital in helping to stop the spread of COVID-19 by determining how many children and teenagers have been infected during the pandemic, and what proportion of those didn’t show symptoms.

A comic strip to fight misogyny hate crime

A new cartoon-style educational tool to help tackle the harassment of women and girls has been unveiled by experts from Nottingham’s two universities as part of a unique zero-tolerance strategy being pioneered throughout Nottinghamshire.
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