Press releases

Lockdown-friendly support for people with eating disorders

People who are struggling to cope with eating disorders during the COVID-19 lockdown are getting increased support from an East Midlands charity and communication experts at the University of Nottingham.

Teenage years are ruff on dogs too

New research led by scientists from the University of Nottingham and Newcastle University has shown that typical teenage behaviour doesn’t just occur in young humans – it happens in dogs too.

Experts launch animated parenting tips for struggling households during lockdown

A series of short films featuring a host of famous faces offering parenting tips during the lockdown, has been launched by experts.

New app will help to prevent falls in care homes

Experts at the University of Nottingham have developed a new app that will help to reduce the number of times residents in care homes fall over.

Belt and Road’s Financiers fall short of biodiversity best practice

New research has found that not enough is being done by financiers of China’s Belt and Road Initiative to put in place safeguards to protect critical wildlife habitats.

Your business powered by space

From international transport to rural education, ESA Business Applications is enabling data from satellites to transform businesses on Earth. Over €200m has already been invested in more than 500 businesses launching innovative Space-based services.

New AI diagnostic can predict COVID-19 likelihood without a test

Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence diagnostic that can predict whether someone is likely to have COVID-19 based on their symptoms.

Study launched to investigate how our diet has changed during lockdown

A new study investigating how people’s eating habits and access to food has been affected during lockdown has been launched.

Key failings in government’s approach to Covid-19 preparations and emergency response, academics find

Research suggests the UK government made key failings in their strategic preparations and emergency response to coronavirus and this, in turn, undermined the NHS’s ability to cope with the crisis.

Photo blog: commemorating the 75th anniversary of VE Day

To mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day, we have chosen some of our favourite archived images from WWII courtesy of our Manuscripts and Special Collections department.
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