Press releases

Mums and babies needed for study looking at how they ‘fall into sync’ with each other

Volunteers are needed for a new study to investigate how babies respond to, learn to interact with, and eventually ‘fall into sync’ with their mothers.

Prestigious new post for university Greco-Roman expert

Fascinating new collaborations between students and researchers at the University of Nottingham and an important archaeological park in Italy will soon be up and running thanks to the appointment of a Nottingham expert to run its two sites.

Harnessing strongest magnetic fields in universe could reveal elusive particle

Finding an elusive elementary particle is more viable than ever after an international team of scientists conducted the first experiment to explore magnetic monopoles using the Large Hadron Collider.

University’s champion of ‘unsung heroes’ leads team delivering report on securing the UK’s technical talent of the future

Kelly Vere MBE, Director of Technical Skills and Strategy at the University of Nottingham, has led a national report that gives strategic insight into the UK’s technical community and sets out a bold vision for how technicians can strengthen science, engineering and the creative industries.

Experts appeal for public support to help improve the care of elephants in human care

A ground-breaking new android app, developed by experts at the University of Nottingham, could help elephant keepers at facilities around the world to monitor the welfare of their animals ensuring they lead happy and healthy lives.

Editing DH Lawrence: new exhibition sheds light on writer’s response to censorship

A new exhibition on DH Lawrence, one of the most iconic, but also controversial figures in English literature, is opening at Lakeside Arts next month.

Social deprivation may affect psychological health and make daily activities more challenging for people with osteoarthritis

Social deprivation, which can lead to impairments in memory and concentration, can make day-to-day activities, such as going shopping or doing housework, challenging for people with painful osteoarthritis.

Wider-reaching solutions urgently needed to reach realistic ‘net zero’, warn researchers

There should be greater investment in a wider group of decision-making experts on landscape management, if the UK is to reach climate targets such as net zero, a new report warns.

Pulse oximeter measurements of blood oxygen levels are unreliable in assessing severity of Covid-19 infections across different ethnic groups

The severity of Covid-19 infection can be difficult to assess in people from different ethnic groups, due to inaccurate readings from a device that measures the level of oxygen in the blood of patients.

Research reveals new links between brain over-activity and schizophrenia symptoms

New research has shown that over-activity in a specific area of the brain is linked to certain symptoms of Schizophrenia, opening up possibilities for the development of more targeted treatments.
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