Press releases

Universities in Nottingham to play a key role in the development of a potential DNA vaccine against COVID-19

Scientists at the University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University will contribute essential virology expertise to help develop a safe and effective vaccine to prevent COVID-19.

Nottingham dermatology experts are looking after the nation’s skin during pandemic

Skin experts in the School of Medicine at the University of Nottingham have been working to provide expert advice and resources during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Survey of UK nurses and midwives’ highlights their concerns about health, training and workload during COVID-19

Nottingham student nurses sign up for extended placements to support the NHS

Hundreds of student nurses from The University of Nottingham are volunteering to support frontline medical staff during the coronavirus pandemic, by signing up for extended paid placements in the NHS.

Online resource launched to protect mental health of healthcare workers

A free online resource has been launched to help those working in healthcare cope with the stress of dealing with Covid-19 and help maintain their psychological wellbeing during and after the pandemic.

Experts urge delayed surgery patients to increase fitness training during COVID-19

Physiology experts are urging people on surgical waiting lists to consider using high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to boost the fitness of their heart and lungs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

New stress hormone study asks, is COVID-19 affecting your mental health?

Scientists are looking for volunteers to take part in a major new questionnaire and hair sample study to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the physical and emotional health of people in the UK.

Nottingham Universities unite to enable safe COVID-19 testing

Universities in Nottingham are helping to protect scientists testing for COVID-19, by providing the Government with essential safety cabinets.

Nottingham respiratory expert part of ground breaking study into COVID-19

As most people face weeks of staying at home to try to stop COVID-19 spreading, researchers at Nottingham University Hospitals and the University of Nottingham have started a new clinical research study to find ways to defeat the disease.

Medical students graduate early to join fight against COVID-19

Final-year medical students are being graduated early at The University of Nottingham to offer them the opportunity to support the NHS response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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