Press releases

Fleas, brains and robots at Festival of Science and Curiosity

Fleas, brains and robot making are some of the exciting workshops being delivered by researchers from the University of Nottingham as part of the Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity that returns next week.

Research into noise exposure may shed new light on tinnitus

A new study to investigate the long-term effects of exposure to loud noises on hearing has been launched and volunteers are needed to take part.

Lewis Capaldi pops into University to try Tourettes wrist device

Lewis Capaldi, who recently revealed that he has Tourette syndrome, visited the Neupulse research team at the University of Nottingham, to try out a revolutionary new wearable device that is aimed at reducing tics in those with Tourette syndrome.

Nottingham spin-out raises almost £1m to commercialise Tourette’s wrist device

A new wrist device to help control Tourette’s Syndrome is a step closer to being commercialised after University of Nottingham spin-out company Neupulse raised almost £1m in additional funding.

Nottingham Professor joins all female winners of prestigious young scientist award

A Nottingham Professor has been recognised for her research into dark energy in the Universe with a young scientist award from the Blavatnik Family Foundation and the New York Academy of Sciences.

New research has ingredients for medical 3D printing success

A new research project has been awarded over £6m to develop a toolkit to allow 3D printed medicines to be manufactured effectively bringing innovations like biological personalised pills and ‘living plasters’ closer to commercial production.

Sweet discovery has potential for effective new virus and cancer drug treatments

Scientists have discovered sugar-based molecules can be used to block activity of a receptor in cells that is involved in the development of a range of viral infections and cancer.

New discovery of sunscreen-like chemicals in fossil plants reveals UV radiation played a part in mass extinction events

New research has uncovered that pollen preserved in 250 million year old rocks contain compounds that function like sunscreen, these are produced by plants to protect them from harmful ultraviolet (UV-B) radiation. The findings suggests that a pulse of UV-B played an important part in the end Permian mass extinction event.

Early forests did not significantly change the atmospheric CO2

Scientists have discovered that the atmosphere contained far less CO2 than previously thought when forests emerged on our planet, the new study has important implications for understanding how land plants affect the climate.

Christmas comes early for chemistry fans with visit to You Tube hero

A group of young chemistry fans travelled from across the world and the East Midlands to visit their science hero and YouTube star, Professor Sir Martyn Poliakoff.
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