Press releases

Arsenic resistant plant could lead to new crop of natural soil cleaners

Researchers have discovered how a common houseplant can absorb and withstand arsenic, a find which could lead to the development of new plant varieties that will clean contaminated soil.

New partnership strengthens commercialisation route for green chemicals research

The Green Chemicals Beacon of Excellence at the University of Nottingham has signed a memorandum of understanding with CPI, one of only six universities to sign such an agreement in the UK.

UK team joint winner of $15m Global Learning XPrize for non-profit learning software

Onebillion learning software, backed by academics at the University of Nottingham is announced as joint winner of multi-million dollar prize.

Research rocks! Tickets for Nottingham’s Pint of Science Festival (#Pint19) snapped up

Get your tickets for this year's ‘Pint of Science Festival’ soon as some events are already sold out!

We can't wait to reveal our world of Wonder!

The University of Nottingham is opening its doors to the public and welcoming visitors to Wonder 2019 — its free fun day of discovery.

Cutting-edge fingerprint technology could help in the fight against knife crime

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