Press releases

New funding to take quantum brain imaging research closer to clinical use

The University of Nottingham has received a £2.3M grant to develop its ground-breaking research into wearable functional brain imaging,

First-ever TB blood test provides earlier screening for quick detection

A new blood test for tuberculosis (TB) has shown the potential for a new blood test to not only diagnose human tuberculosis (TB) but also detect those at most risk of developing the disease.

Hot chocolate - making artisan chocolate taste even better!

Hot chocolate! How to get the best possible flavour and price from Colombian cocoa beans.

Coffee pots, Lego and red cabbage water turn the spotlight on ‘green chemistry’

A team of chemists and engineers from the Universities of Nottingham, Bristol and Southampton, is gearing up to showcase their innovative work at this year’s Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition (1-7 July) in London.

Super biomaterials join the resistance against bacteria

Bacteria resistant ‘SuperBiomaterials’ and their fight against SuperBugs will form part of an exhibit at Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition, which opens today (Monday 1st July).

X-ray vision reveals how plants ‘breathe’

Ground breaking x-ray imaging reveals how plants 'breathe'

Pressing on with elderflower research

Food scientist and 2019 Nuffield Scholar broadens our understanding of elderflower husbandry and best practice

Boys and girls in Malawi are equals in class with new learning app

A new study has shown that differences in learning between boys and girls in Malawi can be prevented with the help of interactive tablet technology.

Letting off steam at night: solving the mystery of night time water loss in plants

Plant scientists have been awarded funding to find out why wheat loses water during the night and develop new ways for growers to identify and develop plants that maintain yields under rising global temperatures.

Wonder of first-ever Nottingham Periodic Table revealed

Children from Blue Bell Hill Primary School have been given an exclusive sneak preview of the first- ever Nottingham Periodic Table, ahead of its official unveiling at the University of Nottingham’s Wonder event on the 15 June.
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