Press releases

University of Nottingham team wins prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry Prize

The Laboratory Development Team at the University of Nottingham’s School of Chemistry has been named winner of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Team Prize for Excellence in Higher Education in recognition of brilliance in chemistry education.

Scientists transform blood into regenerative materials, paving the way for personalised 3D-printed implants

Scientists have created a new ‘biocooperative’ material based on blood, which has shown to successfully repair bones, paving the way for personalised regenerative blood products that could be used as effective therapies to treat injury and disease.

Successful scientist training programme receives £14m boost

A successful programme to train the next generation of Nottingham bioscientists from the city’s two universities has secured £14 million funding from UK Research and Innovation. (UKRI)

New research to use loyalty card data to encourage sustainable choices

A new research project using loyalty card data to explore shoppers’ perceptions about food and the environment has received funding and could help people make more sustainable food choices.

Research shows caterpillar fungus can slow down growth of cancer cells

New research into a chemical produced by a caterpillar fungus that has shown promise as a possible cancer treatment has revealed how it interacts with genes to interrupt cell growth signals. The discovery is an important step towards developing new drugs for the treatment of the disease.

Nottingham joins research project to revolutionise lasing technology

Nottingham scientists are part of a new ‘SUPERLASER’ research project to design a new type of laser that will use new sustainable materials to achieve high performance.

World-leading researcher named as Turing fellow

A leading AI researcher from the University of Nottingham has been awarded £6m to lead bold new work aiming to help AI better enable humans to make meaning of the themselves and the world, and AI itself by combining art and the body.

Robots and microscopic immersive world showcased at free family event

A 360° immersive room at the new Central Library will be transformed into a microscopic world, with everyday objects magnified to reveal the intricate detail of the unseen world, plus robots, interactive exhibits and hands-on workshops that are all part of an exciting week of half-term events.

Global study reveals people, including those most affected by climate change, do not understand climate justice

An international study involving people from 11 countries has shown most people, including those in areas most affected by climate change, don’t understand the term ‘Climate Justice’.However they do recognise the social, historical, and economic injustices that characterise the climate crisis. The findings could help shape more effective communications and advocacy.

Research shows community made videos encourage Black blood donors

A series of community made videos have proven to be an effective way to encourage Black people to donate blood, with research showing this arts-based approach could help to boost much needed blood supplies.
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