Press releases

New study sheds light on molecular motion

New research has shown how a synthetic self-made fibres can guide molecular movement that can be fuelled by light over long distances, a discovery that could pave the way for new ways to use light as a source of sustainable energy.

Steering group concludes that donors no longer need to be asked about a partner’s sexual contact in parts of the world where HIV is very common

Recommendations from the FAIR (For the Assessment of Individualised Risk) steering group, to enable a more equitable way of assessing a donor’s risk of HIV have today been accepted in full by the Department of Health and Social Care.

Children with epilepsy to benefit from wearable brain scanner

Children with epilepsy will now have access to a revolutionary wearable brain imaging system developed at the University of Nottingham that will improve how the condition is diagnosed and treated.

Study shows trust is still at heart of NHS Covid app reluctance

A new study has shown that issues surrounding trust are still at the heart of people’s reluctance to download and use the NHS App, particularly among BAME communities.

New study asks whether Universal Credit uplift has influenced people’s diets

Volunteers are needed for a study looking into whether the £20 uplift in Universal Credit has had a positive impact on their diet and nutrition.

Lab grown tumour models could improve treatment for pancreatic cancer

An international team of scientists have created a three-dimensional (3D) pancreatic cancer tumour model in the laboratory, combining a bioengineered matrix and patient-derived cells that could be used to develop and test targeted treatments.

Virtual Oxjam creates immersive festival fun

A virtual festival people can move around featuring performers, sideshows and crowds will be part of the Oxjam fundraising event that is back in Beeston this weekend.

Understanding uncertainty with a new take on questionnaires

Giving ‘don’t know’, ‘not sure’ or similar responses on questionnaires and surveys could be overcome by a new method of gathering data that captures valuable information about uncertainty and flexibility.

Food Innovation Centre supports small breweries to identify spoiling issues

Brewing experts at the Food Innovation Centre have been helping small breweries across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire to prevent a beer spoiling issue which can be more prevalent during hot weather.

New study launched to investigate targeted treatments for Schizophrenia

A new study to investigate the development of targeted treatments for cognitive impairment in Schizophrenia has been launched today.
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